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Vocabulario Esp 2
50 Advanced english/spanish vocabulary
Term | Definition |
gatos moteados | spotted cats |
heder | to stink |
amamantar | to breast feed, suckle, etc. |
destetados | weaned |
rastrear | to track down |
arrastrar | to drag |
destrozar | to shatter, break |
las garras | claws |
manar en bobotones | to flow in spurts |
la ribera | river bank |
es sobrecogedor | it's surprising or shocking |
pulir | to polish |
barajar | to shuffle cards |
la baraja | the deck of cards |
adherir | to adhere |
el previo | the previous, prior |
las esclusas | the floodgates |
tipear | to type |
un lecho | bed of salt |
un tajo | hack, slash |
la ingle | the groin or crotch |
el saco | the sack |
el dardo | dart |
el lío | the mess, trouble, hassle, etc. |
asentir | to nod |
un lote | the batch, lot, etc. |
la maniobra | maneuvering |
¿como se le ocurre? | how could you? |
la dentellada | the bite |
propinar | to give charity |
la ubicación | location |
los calambres | cramps |
las funditas | bags |
los legumbres | vegetables |
el guión o el libreto | the sript |
el periodísmo | jounalism |
la tregua | the truce, let up, etc. |
el trámite | the process, procedure, etc. |
la matriculación | registration |
la gestión | the management, conduct, arrangement, etc. |
la garepata | tick |
paladear | to relish |
plasmar | to capture (on a page) |
una lupa | magnifying glass |
los mobiliarios | furnishings |
la hornilla | the burner |
el cervecero | brewer |
el queroseno | kerosene |