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Dialogue July 8


How was your day yesterday? Como estuvo tu dia ayer?
How was your weekend? Como estuvo tu fin de semana?
My weekend was great (less common) Mi fin de semana fue bueno
My weekend was great (more common) Mi fin de semana fue genial
What did you do? Que hiciste?
I did many things Hice muchas cosas
I read a book Lei un libro
Which book did you read? Cual libro leiste?
I read the Shock of Gray Lei el Shock of Gray
Who is the author of the book? Quien es el autor del libro?
The author is Ted Fisher El autor es Ted Fisher
What else did you do? Que mas hiciste?
I did some exercise Hice un poco de ejercicio
I did some exercise Ejercite un poco
What type of exercise? Que tipo de ejercicio?
I went biking Anduve en bicicleta
What else Que mas?
I watched a video program Vi un programa de video
What did you see? Que viste?
I saw a program by Eckart Tolle Vi un programa de Eckart Tolle
Did you go out? saliste?
I went for lunch Fui a almorzar
Where did you go for lunch? Donde fuiste al almuerzo?
Where did you go for lunch? Donde fuiste a almorzar?
I went to an Italian restaurant Fui a un restaurante Italiano
What did you eat? Que comiste?
I ate salad and grilled fish Comi ensalada y pescado asado
What else did you do? Que mas hiciste?
I talked with my friends Hable con mis amigos
Where are your friends? Donde estan tus amigos?
They live in Toronto, Vancouver, Dallas and Atlanta Ellos viven en Toronto y Vancouver y Dallas y Atlanta
I forgot Olvide
I took a nap dormi una siesta
How long did it take you? Cuanto tiempo demoraste?
Did you go by car or by bus? fuiste en auto o bus?
What type of car do you have? Que tipo de auto tu tienes?
How old is your sister? Cuanto anos tiene tu hermana?
What is your name? (less common) Cual es tu nombre?
What is your name? (more common) como te llamas?
What is her name? Cual es su nombre?
what does your father do? Que hace tu padre?
I am going to go in August Yo voy a ir en agosto
What type of movie do you like? Que tipo de peliculas te encantan?
I like me gustan
I love me encantan
I like documentries me gustan los documentales
Are you going to your house after this class? Tu vas a tu casa despues de esta clase?
I am going to read voy a leer
I am going to sleep voy a dormir
I am going to walk voy a caminar
you are going to read vas a leer
he is going to read va a leer
We are going to read vamos a leer
They are going to read van a leer
What are you going to do after you get home Que vas a hacer despues de llegar a tu casa
What time are you going to sleep? Aqui hora tu vas a dormir?
Are you going to your house after this class? Tu vas a tu casa despues de esta clase?
Created by: fdosani
Popular Spanish sets




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