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Rue Case-Nègres p4-7

Voacbulary for the test on pages 4 through 7 of La Rue Case-Nègres

entretenir to talk
propos remarks
entrailles intestines
se taire to be quiet
se mordre to bite
ivresse ecstacy
maudit cursed
fouetter to whip
soumis submissive
demeurer to live
certes indeed
froncer les sourcils to frown
d'ailleurs besides
chique chew wad
crapaud toad
pourri rotten
pagne loincloth
troué full of holes
s'éteindre to go out(light)
gambader to leap about
se dissiper to misbehave
chiper to steal
béer to be wide open
alentours surroundings
friande fond
spectre ghost
gueule mouth
grené grainy
ronce bramble
crasse filth
griller to toast
gammes gamut
achever to finish
inertie apathy
se racler la gorge to clear one's throat
brule pour-point point blanck
bond leap
énigme riddle
feignant lazy
se trémousser to wiggle
devinette guess
ongle fingernail
vrille tendril
grimper to climb
rame stake
attrait attraaction
goulot bottleneck
étrangler to strangle
poteau post
grouiller to swarm
broussaille brushwood
crissant rustling
s'embraser to flare up
enfourcher to mount
éperonner to spur on
monture moount
fer du cheval horseshoe
féerique magical
hatif hasty
inapaisé unappeased
poigné handful
trempé soaked
se régaler to eat well
ravaudage mending
hativement hastily
zélé zealous
apaisant appeasing
sournoise sly devil
inondé bathed/flooded/full
caler to prop
soigneusement carefully
éraflure scratch
calebasse gourde
bourrer to stuff
rein back
cordon cord
béké blanc-créole
ordure garbage
drivailler to waste time
endever to anger
se ruer to rush into
accueillir to greet
effusion burst of emotion
baraque hut
tole ondulée corrugated iron
flanc side
trone throne
tuile tile
géreur manager
engrais fertilizer
usine factory
musant dawdling
jouir to enjoy
entraineur leader
Created by: nfriendly
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