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Dialogue July 12


How was your day yesterday? Como estuvo tu dia ayer?
How was your weekend? Como estuvo tu fin de semana?
My weekend was great (less common) Mi fin de semana fue bueno
My weekend was great (more common) Mi fin de semana fue genial
What did you do? Que hiciste?
I did many things Hice muchas cosas
I read a book Lei un libro
Which book did you read? Cual libro leiste?
I read the Shock of Gray Lei el Shock of Gray
Who is the author of the book? Quien es el autor del libro?
The author is Ted Fisher El autor es Ted Fisher
What else did you do? Que mas hiciste?
I did some exercise Hice un poco de ejercicio
I did some exercise Ejercite un poco
What type of exercise? Que tipo de ejercicio?
I went biking Anduve en bicicleta
What else Que mas?
I watched a video program Vi un programa de video
What did you see? Que viste?
I saw a program by Eckart Tolle Vi un programa de Eckart Tolle
Did you go out? saliste?
I went for lunch Fui a almorzar
Where did you go for lunch? Donde fuiste al almuerzo?
Where did you go for lunch? Donde fuiste a almorzar?
I went to an Italian restaurant Fui a un restaurante Italiano
What did you eat? Que comiste?
I ate salad and grilled fish Comi ensalada y pescado asado
What else did you do? Que mas hiciste?
I talked with my friends Hable con mis amigos
Where are your friends? Donde estan tus amigos?
They live in Toronto, Vancouver, Dallas and Atlanta Ellos viven en Toronto y Vancouver y Dallas y Atlanta
I forgot Olvide
I took a nap dormi una siesta
How long did it take you? Cuanto tiempo demoraste?
Did you go by car or by bus? fuiste en auto o bus?
What type of car do you have? Que tipo de auto tu tienes?
How old is your sister? Cuanto anos tiene tu hermana?
What is your name? (less common) Cual es tu nombre?
What is your name? (more common) como te llamas?
What is her name? Cual es su nombre?
what does your father do? Que hace tu padre?
I am going to go in August Yo voy a ir en agosto
What type of movie do you like? Que tipo de peliculas te encantan?
I like me gustan
I love me encantan
I like documentries me gustan los documentales
Are you going to your house after this class? Tu vas a tu casa despues de esta clase?
I am going to read voy a leer
I am going to sleep voy a dormir
I am going to walk voy a caminar
you are going to read vas a leer
he is going to read va a leer
We are going to read vamos a leer
They are going to read van a leer
What are you going to do after you get home Que vas a hacer despues de llegar a tu casa
What time are you going to sleep? Aqui hora tu vas a dormir?
Are you going to your house after this class? Tu vas a tu casa despues de esta clase?
I woke up at 6 am Me desperte a las seis de la manana
I had a shower Me duche
I made an omelette with vegetables Hice un omelette con verduras
I ate breakfast Comi desayuno
eat breakfast desayunar
I ate breakfast Desayune
I prepared for my Spanish class Me prepare para mi clase de espanol
I had my Spanish class in the morning Tuve mi clase de espanol en la manana
What did you do after that? Que hiciste despues?
Then I changed my clothes Despues me cambie mi ropa
get ready alistarse
I got ready to leave home Me aliste para salir de casa
Where did you go? Donde fuiste?
I went to the office Fui a la oficina
How long were you there? Cuanto tiempo estuviste alli?
I was there for about three hours Estuve alli por tres horas
What did you do after that? Que hiciste despues?
I went to have lunch Fui a almorzar
Did you go alone? Fuiste solo?
No, I went with a friend No, fui con mi amigo
Who did you go with? Con quien fuiste?
I went with Ariel Fui con Ariel
Where did you go for lunch? (noun) Donde fueron para el almuerzo?
Where did you go for lunch? (verb) Donde fueron a almorzar?
We went to El Torres Fuimos a Confiteria Torres
What did you eat there? Que comieron alli?
I had a vegetarian pizza Comi pizza vegetariana
vegetarian vegetariana
How was it? Como estuvo?
It was delicious Estuvo deliciosa
delicios deliciosa
What did you drink? Que bebieron?
I did not drink anything No bebi nada
Would you like anything? Quieres algo?
Would you like something? Quieres algo?
anything nada
Did you have dessert? Comieron postres?
Yes, I did Yo si
What did you have for dessert? Que comiste para el postre?
pomegranate granada
ice cream, popsicle, sorbet helado
I had pomegranate sorbet Comi helado de granada
How far was the restaurant from your office? A que distancia esta el restaurante de tu oficina?
How long (time) A cuanto tiempo
How long (distance) A que distancia esta
It was a ten minute walk Esta a diez minutos caminando
It took ten minutes Tomo diez minutos
What did you do after having lunch? Que hiciste despues de almorzar?
I went for a short walk Fui a dar un paseo
What did you do after that? Que hiciste despues de eso?
I went back to the office Volvi a la oficina
I had two meetings Tuve dos reuniones
I made a few phone calls Hice algunas llamadas
Then I came home Despues vine a casa
I ate a carrot Comi una zanahoria
I put on some warm clothes Me puse ropa gruesa
Then my friend and I went out Despues mi amiga y yo salimos
Where did you go? A donde fuiste?
First we went to eat, because my friend was hungry Primero fuimos a comer porque mi amiga tenia hambre
I was hungry also Tenia hambre tambien
Where did you go? A donde fueron?
We went to barrea Besta Villa Fuimos a barrio Bellavista
How did you go there? Como fueron alli?
How did you go there? (common) En que fueron? (in what did you go?)
We went by metro Fuimos en metro
How long did it take to get there? Cuanto tiempo tardaron en llegar alli?
It took about 25 minutes Tardamos en llegar aproximadamente veinticinco minutos
Was it easy to get there? Es facil llegar alli?
Yes, we got there easily Si llegamos alli facilmente
Yes, it was easy to get there Si fue facil llegar alli
Where did you eat? A donde comieron?
We ate at Rocco's Pizza Comimos en Rocco's Pizza
How did you find this place? (singular) Como encontraste este lugar?
How did you find this place? (plural) Como encontraron este lugar?
We walked around Dimos una vuelta
Then we asked someone Entonces preguntamos a alguien
Was the restaurant busy? Estaba muy ocupado el restaurante?
No, it was not very busy No estaba muy ocupado
What did you order? Que pidieron?
We ordered a pizza Pedimos una pizza
What did you have in your pizza? Con que ingredientes?
We had onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, cheese, red peppers and pineapple Tenia cebolla, champinones, tomates, queso, pimenton rojo y pina
Did you have any ham or meat with it? Tenia jamon o carne?
No,we did not have any ham or meat No tenia jamon o carne
How was the pizza? Como estaba la pizza? (description, so imperfect tense)
It was delicious Estaba deliciosa
But it was not very hot Pero no estaba muy caliente
What did you drink? (singular) Que bebiste?
What did you drink? (plural) Que bebieron?
I did not drink anything No bebi nada
My friend had a Coke Mi amiga bebio una coca
Did you have dessert? Comieron postres?
No, we did not have dessert there No comimos postre alli
But we went to another place for dessert Pero fuimos a otro lugar por el postre
Which place? cual lugar?
An Italian ice cream place Un lugar de helados Italianos
What did you have there? Que comieron alli?
We had mango ice cream Comimos helado de mango
My friend had strawberry icecream Mi amiga comio helado de frutilla
And I had mango ice cream Y yo comi helado de mango
Was it cold? (description) Hacia frio?
Yes, it was quite cold Si, hacia bastante frio
But I had warm clothes on Pero me puse ropa gruesa
What did you do after that? Que hiciste entonces?
We walked around for some time Dimos una vuelta por un rato
We went to many shops Fuimos a muchas tiendas
What type of shops? Que tipo de tiendas?
Souvenir shops Tiendas de regalo
Did you like anything in these shops? A ti te gusto alguna cosa en estas tiendas?
No, I did not No, a mi no me gusto nada
No, I did not find anything No, encontre nada
Did your friend like anything? A ella le gusta cualquier cosa?
Did you like the lamps? A ti te gustaron las lamparas?
No, I didn’t like them A mi no me gustaron las lamparas
No, I didn’t like any A mi no me gustaron nada
Yes, she liked many things Si, a ella le gustaron muchas cosas
She tried a few things Se probo unas pocas cosas
She found something Encontro algo
She bought a magnet Compro un iman
She also tried on some jewelry Se probo algunas joyas tambien
She bought a ring Compro un anillo
How much did it cost? Cuanto costo?
It cost 15,000 pesos Costo quince mil pesos
Did you get a discount? Obtuvieron un descuento?
Yes, we got a ten percent discount Si, obtuvimos descuento de diez por ciento
How did you pay? Como pagaron?
Did you pay by credit card? Pagaron con tarjeta de credito?
No, he did not accept a credit card No, el no acepto una tarjeta de credito
So, I paid by cash Entonces pague con efectivo
Yesterday was an interesting day for me Ayer fue un dia interesante para mi
What did you do? Que hiciste?
I did not go to work No fui a trabajar
Instead I went for a medical checkup En lugar, fui a un chequeo medico
What checkup did you go for? Para que chequeo fuiste?
I went for an endoscopy Fui para una endoscopia
Where did you go? A donde fuiste?
I went to Clinica Alemana Fui a la clinica alemana
How did you go there? En que fuiste? (NOT como fuiste alli)
I went by car Fui en auto
At what time did you go? A que hora fuiste?
I left home at 9 am Sali de casa a las nueve de la manana
How long did it take you to get there? Cuanto tiempo tardaste para llegar alli?
It only took 20 minutes Solo tarde veinte minutos
Did you go alone? Fuiste solo?
No, I went with a friend No, fui con mi amiga
Who did you go with? Con quien fuiste?
I went with Paula Fui con Paula
How was the experience? Como fue la experiencia?
It was very interesting Fue muy interesante
Tell me more Dime mas (imperative form of decir)
They measured my blood pressure Ellos midieron mi presión arterial
How was your blood pressure? Como estaba tu presion arterial?
It was normal Estaba normal
It was 120 by 80 Estaba en ciento veinte y ochenta
Then they sedated me Entonces ellos me sedaron
I fell asleep almost right away Me quede dormido immediatamente
They put a tube down my throat and my stomach Ellos pusieron un tubo en mi garganta y estomago
What were the results? Cuales fueron reultados?
The results were normal Los resultados fueron normales
When I woke up, I waited for the doctor for a long time Cuando me desperte, espere al doctor por mucho tiempo
They could not find the doctor No pudieron encontrar al doctor
Then they brought another doctor Entonces trajeron otro doctor
He explained the results to me Me explico los resultados
He was a very funny doctor Era un doctor muy gracioso
I liked him A mi me gusto
I got home at 2 pm Llegue la casa a las dos de la tarde
And I felt dizzy and sleepy Me senti mareado y con sueno
So I went for a nap Entonces dormi una siesta
My friend came in the evening with some food Mi amiga llego en la tarde con comida
We had dinner together at home Comimos cena juntos en la casa
It was lovely Fue genial
It was lovely Fui muy agradable
I am sleepy Tengo sueno
Created by: fdosani
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