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Verbs uupeds
Term | Definition |
to point at | señalar (con el dedo) |
to crawl | gatear |
to babble | balbucear |
to roll over | darse vuelta / voltearse |
to scribble | hacer garabatos |
to draw | dibujar |
to play peek a boo | hacer cucú / jugar escondiditas |
to use a spoon | usar una cuchara |
to take off clothes | quitarse la ropa |
to put on clothes | ponerse la ropa |
to turn pages of a book | voltear (hojear) las páginas de un libro |
to name parts of the body | nombrar partes del cuerpo |
to speak in complete sentences | hablar en oraciones completas |
to ride a tricycle | andar en triciclo |
to walk backwards | caminar hacia atrás |
to share with other children | compartir con otros niños |
to fasten one's seatbelt | abrocharse el cinturón (de seguridad) |
to wrinkle | arrugar |
to grow | crecer |
to get high | drogarse |
to force | forzar |
to increase | aumentar |
to decrease | disminuir |
to treat | tratar |
to squint | entrecerrar los ojos |
to tug at/ touch one's ears | tirarse / estirarse / tocarse las orejas |
to choke on | ahogarse con / atrangantarse con > atorarse con |
to get better | mejorarse |
to get worse | empeorarse |
to swallow | tragar |
to hold | sostener |
to squeeze | apretar |
to scratch | arañar / rasguñar |
to scrape | raspar |
to bump/hit | golpear |
to limp | cogear |
to swell | hinchar |
to get hurt | lastimarse / dañarse / heirse |
to pee | orinarse / hacer pipí |
to poop | hacer popó |
to rub one's eyes | frontarse / restregarse los ojos |
to gargle | hacer gárgaras |
to avoid | evitar |
to enroll | matricular |