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High Frequency GRE Words
Word | Definition |
evince | show clearly |
evocative | tending to call up |
excoriate | scold with biting harshness |
exegesis | explanation, especially of biblical passage |
exertion | effort; expenditure of much physical work |
repercussion | a consequence |
exorbitant | excessive |
exorcise | drive out evil spirit |
expediate | suitable; practical; public |
expiate | make amend |
expletive | interjection |
extort | wring from; get money by threat |
extradition | surrender prisoner by one state to another |
extricate | free; disentangle |
exuberance | overflowing; abundance |
faze | disconcert; dismay |
feint | trick; shift; sham blow |
fervid | ardent |
ferver | glowing arder; intensity of feeling |
flair | talent |
flagrant | conspicuously wicked; blatent; outrageous |
flay | strip of skin; plunder |
flounder | struggle and thrash about; proceed clumsily or falter |
flout | reject; mock |
flit | flight; dart lightly |
implacable | not to be appeased |
titular | having the title of an office without obligation |
mortify | humiliate; punish the flesh |
foible | weakness; slight fault |
foil | contrast |
foist | insert improperly; palm off |
inept | not competent |
timorous | fearful |
tipple | drink frequently |
motility | ability to move sponteniously |
forego | give up; do without |
forlorn | sad and lonely |
forsake | desert; abandon; renounce |
forswear | renounce; abandon |
foster | rear; encourage |
frail | weak |
frantic | wild |
fraudulent | cheating; deceitful |
mottled | blotched in coloring |
fraught | filled |
frenetic | frenzied; frantic |
frenzied | madly excited |
fresco | painting on plaster |
fret | to be annoyed or vexed |
frieze | ornamental band on a wall |
fritter | waste |
frivolous | lacking in seriousness |
frolicsome | prankish; gay |
fugitive | fleeting or transitory |
gale | windstorm; gust of wind; emotional outburst |
gall | n. bitterness; nerve; v. annoy; chafe |
galleon | large sailing ship |
garbled | mixed up; jumbled; distorted |
garish | overbright in color |
gaudy | flashy; showy |
gaunt | lean and angular; barren |
gavel | hammerlike tool; mallet |
gawk | stare foolishly; look in open mouthed awe |
omnifarious | of all sorts |
gibberish | nonsense; babbling |
glaring | highly conspicuous; harshly bright |
glaze | cover with a thin and shiny surface |
gloat | express evil satisfaction |
gloss over | explain away |
glossy | smooth and shining |
glower | scowl |
glut | overstock; fill to excess |
grapple | wrestle; come to grip with |
grate | make a harsh noise; have an unpleasent effect; shred |
gratis | free |
profligate | wasteful |
posterity | descendents; those who come after |
posterior | later in time |
gratuitous | given freely; unwarrented; uncalled for |
grievance | a facial distortion to show feeling such as pain, disgust, etc. |
grisly | ghastly |
grouse | complain; fuss |
grovel | crowl or creep on ground |
primordial | elemental; fundamental |
primogeniture | state of being first born |
motley | multicolored; mixed |
totter | move unsteadily, sway |
proliferate | to produce by multiplication of parts |
grudging | unwilling; reluctant; stingy |
risible | disposed to laugh |
gruel | thin, liquid porridge |
gruff | rough manner |
secede | to separate from |
seclude | to keep away |
sequester | to separate from |
segregate | to separate |
imperil | put in danger |
mulct | defraud a person of something |
subaltern | one below another in rank |
gusto | enjoyment; enthusiasm |
haggard | wasted away; gaunt |
harbor | provide refuge for; hide |
hysterical | relating to hysteria; funny |
hardy | sturdy; robust |
harrowing | agonizing; distressing |
sardonic | mocking |
transpire | be revealed; happen |
hatch | deck opening; lid covering a deck opening |
muse | ponder |
transport | strong emotion |
traumatic | pertaining to emotion caused by violence |
travesty | comical parody; treatment aimed at making something appear ridicule |
trenchant | cutting; keen |
conjunctive | causing union |
evocative | causing an image |
pulchritude | state of possessing beauty |
tribulation | distress suffering |
wily | full of tricks |
wary | watchful |
tremor | trembling; slight quiver |
trinket | knicknack; bauble |
discreet | showing good judgement in conduct |
discrete | separate and distinct |
incredulous | skeptical; not believing |
incredible | too extraordinary to be believed |
ingenious | very smart or brilliant |
ingenuous | having a frank and open nature |
apposite | apt, pertinent, appropriate |
unimpeachable | blameless and examplary |
sustenance | means of support, food nourishment |
complacent | self-satisfied |
complaisant | eager to please; obliging |
swathe | wrap around; bandage |
abstemious | sparing in use of food or drinks |
tumid | swollen; pompous |
tactile | pertaining to the sense of touch |
taint | contaminate |
tempestuous | stormy; impassioned; violent |
testy | short-tempered |
thrive | prosper; flourish |
throng | crowd |
tribunal | court of justice |
travail | painful labor |
trident | three-pronged spear |
antipathy | a natural dislike or repugnance |
arcane | obscure; apt; relevant |
troth | pledge of good faith |
nemesis | someone seeking revenge |
unconscionable | excessive |
articulate (adj) | clear, distinct; expressed with clarity; skillfull with words |
articulate (v) | to utter clearly and distinctly |
ascetic (n) | one who leads a simple life of self-denial |
ascetic (adj) | rigorously abstinent |
aseptic | germ free |
aspersion | slanderous statement; a damaging or derogatory criticism |
assiduous | carefully attentive; industrious |
phlegmatic | indifferent |
astringent (n) | a substance that controls bodily tissues |
turgid | swollen; distended |
atrophy | to waste away, as from lack of use; to wither |
attenuate | to make thin or slender; to weaken or dilute |
mutilate | to injure, disfigure, or make imperfect by removing or irreparably damaging parts: |
unobtrusive | inconspicuous; not blatant |
unbridled | violent |
baleful | harmful; malign; detrimental |
uninhibited | unrepressed |
beneficient | conferring benefits; kindly; doing good |
bilateral | pertaining to or affecting both sides or two sides; having two sides |
bombast | pompous speech; pretentious words |
burgeon | to grow or develop quickly |
cacophony | a harsh, inharmonious collection of soudns; dissonance |
cant | insincere or hypocritical statements of high ideals; the jargon of a particular group or occupation |
caprice | a sudden, unpredictable, or whimsical change |
catharsis | a purging ort relieving of the body or soul |
chicanery | trickery or deception |
churlishness | crude or surly behavior |
circumlocution | the use of an unnecessarily large number of words to express an idea; evasion in speech |
cloture | the closing or limitation of debate in a legislative body especially by calling for a vote |
unwieldy | awkward; cumbersome |
coda | in music, a concluding passage |
codify | to organize the laws or rules into a systematic collection (code) |
cogent | to the point; clear; convincing in its clarity and presentation |
cogitate | to think hard; ponder, meditate |
cognitive | possessing the power to think or meditate; meditative; capable of perception |
cognizant | aware of; perceptive |
coherent | sticking together; connected; logical; consistent |
cohesion | the act of sticking together |
comeliness | beauty; attractiveness in appearance or behavior |
commodious | spacious and convenient; roomy |
compliant | complying; obeying; yielding |
connotative | containing associated meanings in addition to the primary one |
muster | gather assemble |
contentious | quarrelsome |
contiguous | touching; or adjoining and close, but not touching |
contravene | to act contrary to; to oppose or contradict |
conundrum | a puzzle or riddle |
converge | to move toward one point (opposite: diverge) |
coterie | a clique; a group who meets frequently, usually socially |
mutinous | unruly |
debacle | disaster; collapse; a rout |
debilitate | to enfeeble; to wear out |
decorous | suitable; proper; seemly |
deleterious | harmful; hurtful; noxious |
denigrate | to defame; to blacken or sully; to belittlee |
deprecate | to express disapproval of; to protest against |
deride | to laugh at with contempt; to mock |
derision | the act of mocking; ridicule, mockery |
diatribe | a bitter or abusive speech |
dichotomy | a division into two parts |
diffident | timid; lacking self-confidence |
naivete | quality of being unsophisticated |
discourse | to converse; to communicate in ordrely fashion |
discrete | separate; individually distinct; composed of distinct parts |
disingenuous | not frank or candid; deceivingly simple |
vagabond | wanderer; tramp |
disparate | unequal, dissimilar; different |
disputatious | argumentative; inclined to disputes |
dissemble | to pretend; to feign; to conceal by pretense |
dissonance | musical discord; a mingling of inharmonious sounds; nonmusically, disagreement, lack of harmony |
dissonant | not in harmony; in disagreement |
ebullience | an overflowing of high spirits; effervescence |
effervescence | to show liveliness or exhilaration |
ellipsis | omission of words that would make the meaning clear |
elucidate | to make clear; to explain |
emollient | softening or soothing to the skin; having power to soften or relax living tissues |
incumbent | obligatory; currently holding an office |
leery | suspicious; cautious |
enervate | to weaken; to deprive of nerve or strength |
engender | to bring about; beget; to bring forth |
ephemeral | very short-lived; lasting only a short time |
wanton | reckless |
evanescent | vanishing quickly; dissipating like a vapor |
exigent | requiring immediate action; urgent, pressing |
extemporize | to improvise; to make it up as you go along |
extrapolate | to estimate the value of something beyond the scale; to infer what is unknown from something known |
facetious | joking in an awkward or improper manner |
feign | pretend |
leaven | cause to grow lighter; enliven |
garrulous | extremely talkative or wordy |
iconoclast | one who smashes revered images; an attacker of cherished beliefs |
impassive | showing no emotion |
imperturbable | calm; not easily excited |
prognosis | forecast |
implacable | unwilling to be pacified or appeased |
parochial | very limited or narrow in scope or outlook; provincial |
peremptory | leaving no choice |
incisive | getting to the heart of things; to the point |
incredulous | skeptical |
indigenous | native to a region; inborn or innate |
inept | incompetent; clumsy |
vicissitude | a change or variation occurring in the course of something |
interdict | impade; prohibit |
inherent | part of the essential character; intrinsic |
insipid | uninteresting, boring, flat, dull |
relegate | banish |
intransigent | uncompromising |
intrepid | fearless, bold |
irascible | prone to anger |
refute | disprove |
heyday | one's prime |
indigent | poor |
macerate | to soften by steeping in liquid |
mortify | humiliate |
magnanimity | a quality of nobleness of mind, disdaining meanness or revenge |
vitriolic | caustic |
impetus | moving force |
impetuous | violent; hasty |
impertinent | insolent; rude |
obdurate | stubborn |
obsequious | servilely attentive; fawning |
obviate | to make unnecessary |
imperious | domineering; haughty |
mortician | undertaker |
panegyric | high praise |
paradigm | model, prototype; pattern |
impede | hinder; block |
parsimonious | very frugal; unwilling to spend |
pedantic | emphasizing minutiae or form in scholarship or teaching |
penurious | stingy, miserly |
implacable | not to be appeased, mollified, or pacified; inexorable |
petulant | peevish; cranky; rude |
placate | to appease or pacify |
impeach | charge with crime in office |
prevaricate | to speak equivocally or evasively, i.e. to lie |
subjugate | enslave |
propensity | an inclination; a natural tendency toward; a liking for |
putrefaction | a smelly mass that is the decomposition of organic matter |
putrefy | to decompose; to rot |
quiescence | state of being at rest or without motion |
rancor | strong ill will; enmity |
recalcitrant | stubbornly rebellious |
recondite | dealing with very profound, difficult, or abstruse subject matter |
impale | pierce |
immure | imprison; shut up in confinement |
immolate | offer as a sacrifice |
sinews | strength; power; resilience |
ignominy | deep disgrace; shame or dishonor |
specious | plausible, but deceptive; apparently, but not actually, true |
spurious | not genuine, false; bogus |
ignoble | unworthy; not noble |
hypercritical | excessively or meticulously critical; overcritical |
hubris | arrogance;excessive self-conceit |
hover | hang about; wait nearby |
hovel | shack; small wretched house |
hoax | trick; practical joke |
hoard | stockpile; accumulate for future use |
heresy | opinion contrary to popular belief |
hermetic | sealed by fusion so as to make airtight |
hiatus | gap |
mordant | biting; sarcastic; stinging |
suborn | persuade to act unlawfully |
subpoena | writ summoning a witness to appear |
subtlety | perceptiveness; ingenuity; delicacy |
subversive | tending to overthrow |
suppliant | entreating; beseaching |
supplicate | petition; humbly; pray to grant a favor |
tactile | pertaining to the sense of touch |
taint | contaminate |
tempestuous | stormy |
thrive | prosper; flourish |
thwart | baffle; frustrate |
titter | nervous laugh |
totter | move unsteadly |
tout | publicize; praise excessively |
tract | pamphelet; a region of indefinite size |
traduce | expose to slander |
immolate | offer as a sacrifice |
immure | to shut in; seclude or confine; imprison |
incoherent | illogical |
incriminate | accuse; serve as evidence against |
indemnify | compensate for loss |
indignation | anger to an injustice |
indenture | bind as servent or apprentice to master |
inebriated | habitually intoxicated; drunk |
ineluctable | incapable of being evaded; inescapable |
inexorable | unyielding |
infidel | unbeliever |
ingrate | ungrateful person |
ingratiate | become popular with |
inhibit | restrain; retard or prevent |
iniquitous | wicked; immoral; unrighteous |
inordinate | unrestrained; excessive |
inquisitor | questioner |
insidious | treacherous; stealthy |
insolence | impudent disrespect |
instigate | urge; start; provoke |
insubordination | disobedience |
insurrection | rebellion |
interdict | prohibit |
interloper | intruder |
leniency | mildness; permissiveness |
levity | lack of seriousness |
libretto | text of an opera |
lien | legal claim on a property |
litany | suplicatory prayer |
litotes | understatement for emphasis |
lode | metal bearing vein |
loom | appear or take shape |
lurk | stealthily lie in waiting; slink; exist unperceived |
mace | ceremonial staff; clublike mediaval weapon |
malady | illness |
malaise | uneasiness |
malicious | hateful; spiteful |
malign | speak evil of; bad mouth |
malignant | injurious; tending to cause death |
maul | handle roughly |
meek | submissive; patient and long suffering |
meretricious | flashy; tawdry |
merger | combination |
zany | crazy; comic |
wreak | inflict |
wistful | vague longing; sadly pensive |
wispy | thin; slight; barely discernible |
whittle | cut off bits |
whet | sharpen; stimulate |
welter | wallow |
welt | mark from beating or whipping |
wangle | wiggle out; fake |
waggish | mischievious; humorous; tricky |
wake | trail of ship or other object through water |
waft | move gently by wind or wave |
waffle | speak equivocally about an issue |
vitiate | spoil the effect of, make inoperative |
vintner | maker of wine |
vertigo | severe dizziness |
vernal | pertaining to spring season |
verge | border, edge |
vent | small opening; a means of exit or escape |
veneer | thin layer; cover |
vaunted | boasted; bragged; highly publized |
vagrant | homeless wanderer; stray random |
vagary | caprice whim |
vagabond | wanderer; tramp |
unwieldy | awkward; cumbersome; unmanageable |
unrequited | not reciprocated |
unobtrusive | inconspicuous, unassertive, or reticent |
unmitigated | unreleaved |
uninhibited | unrepressed |
unimpeachable | blameless and exemplary |
unconscionable | unscrupulous; excessive |
unbridled | not controlled or restrained; violent |
turpitude | vile, shameful action; depravity |
turgid | swollen; distended |
tumid | swollen; pompous; bombastic |
troth | pledge of good faith especially in betrothal |
trinket | knicknack; bauble |
trident | three-pronged spear |
tribulation | distress suffering |
trenchant | cutting; keen |
totter | move unsteadly as if about to fall |
transcendent | exceeding ordinary limit |
transpire | be revealed; happen |
leniancy | mildness |
libretto | text of an opera |
lien | legal claim on a property |
litotes | understatement for emphasis |
mace | ceremonial staff; clublike medieval weapon |
malady | illness |
malaise | uneasiness; vauge feeling of ill health |
malicious | hateful; spiteful |
maul | handle roughly |
kindred | related; similar in nature |