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Town planning

Rural & Small Town Planning

Agricultural zoning protect agricultural land by limiting non-farm uses, prohibiting high-density development, or restricting subdivision of land into parcels that are too small for farming activity
Cluster Zoning allow buildings to be concentrated in specific areas of sites to allow remaining portion of the site to remain as undeveloped open space or used for recreation, forestry, or agriculture
Urban Growth Boundary line dividing land that may be developed & land that shoudl remain ag; purpose to protect ag or forest land from development or to ensureexistin infrastructure is utilized before outlying areas require extension of public infrastructure
Greenway created to preserve open space; provide corridors for wildlife in somewhat fragmented enviornment; may provide water quality buffer if a certain width 7 not tilled for farming
Conservation Easement voluntary legal limitation on development that may occur on private property to protect natural, scenic, forested, or open spaces from development
Land Trust nonprofit organization whose mission is to protect land from development
How does a land trust form? accomplished either by acquisition of the land through fee simple purchase or by acquistion of the rights to develop the land through purchase of a conservation easement or by receiving a donation of a conservation easement from a property owner
Water Quality Buffer strip of undisturbed native vegetation along a stream, river, pond, lake, or wetland
What is a water quality buffer for? filtering sediment, reducing the velocity & volume of stormwater runoff before it centers the water source, protecting banks from erosion or scour
Wildlife corridors protecting large core areas of wild habitat is essential to the long-term health of wildlife populations; core areas must be connected which is accomplished by preservation of wildlife corridors
What are some standards for manufactured housing? establish setback & location standards; appearance, roofing, or skirting materials; safety standards such as anchohring, construction standards, or elevation in flood hazard areas
Where are septic sewer systems used? where density of development is low & public sewer sytems have not been developed
What is a percolation test? "perc" test is required to test soil permeability & ability of the soil to filter & absorb septic effluent
Private Sewage Treatment Facilities (PSTF) small, privately owned seawge treatment facilities may, for example be used by a small # of hosuing units to handle bewteem 3,000 and 10,000 gallons per day
Where are PSTFs prohibited? floodplains, near public water supplies, or near rare or endangered species habitats; many states prohibit PSTFs b/c thay aren't reliable
Characteristics of a Village mix of uses with sidewalks, trees, and on-street parking; medium density; housing may feature relatively shallow front yards; 0 front setback in commercial areas; divers housing types
What is important when developing in a village? scale development appropriately,consider the harmony or cohesion of the landscape, the bldgs, & people of community
Would signage requirements be part of a village? yes to help maintain character of villages
What should be considered as part of small town planning? 1.what's administratively feasible 2.What's financially feasible collaboratively w/regional or st org to maintain ag economy 5.historic preservation as imp ingredient for economic dev
What needs to be considered as part of small town plans just like urban plans? plan comprehensively to manage growth, protect natural environment & quality of life, provide adequate infrastructure & affordable housing, ensure economic stability & maintain existing retail ctrs, accommodate infill dev, & so forth
What is meant by coming to the nuisance? Prop owner engaged in an activity is perceived as a nuisance by a new prop owner, prop owner that was first to arrive has right to continue
Right to Farm Laws purpose is to protect farmers & ranchers from nuisance lawsuits & prevents local gov't from adopting regulations that impose unreasonable restrictions on ag practices
Homestead Act 1862 permitted settlers to claim 160-acre parcels of land in the western portion of the US on cond that they reside on the land for 5 consecutive yrs; much of land didn't recieve enough rainfall to support ag
What happened due to settlement of poeple from the Homestead Act? caused gov't to take major role in water dev in the west
Farmland Protection Policy Act 1981 Dept of Agminimized extent to which fed programs contribute to unnecessary conversion of farmland to nonagricultural uses
What standards were developed as part of the Farmland Protection Policy Act? id effects of fed programs on conversion of farmland to non-farm uses
Land Evaluation and Site Assessment (LESA) 1981 rating system developed by Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) of the US Dept of Ag (USDA) as way for local gov't to assess the suitability of one or more parcels of farmland for continued ag use
How is land evaluation done? criteria combines soil suitability analysis with other factors such as ag productivity & neighboring land uses
What is site assessment criteria? includes economic, social, and geographic features of an area that have potential to influence development pressures on ag areas
Federal Forest Legacy Program 1990 provided fed grants to states, local gov't, & land trusts to preserve farm and ranchland
Federal Farm and Ranchland Protection Program 1996 provided fed grants tos tates, local gov't, and land trusts to preserve farm & ranchland
How many people live on farms? less than 2%
How many farms are run by people who have another major occupation?? 36.4% or 801,844
How many farms report farming as major occupation and sell between $100k and 250k? 258,899 11.7%
What are the major crops in the US? corn, soybeans, hay, wheat
Who is typically older rural or urban America? rural america
How many people age 65 and older live in rural america? 7.5 mil people
How much rural employment is in manufacturing? < 25%
What are the feedlot issues? sanitation issues due to many residences moving closer to feedlots; probs include dust, odor, noise, insects, & stormwater runoff
What are problems encountered by small towns not built w/i commuting distance of metropolitan areas? decling pop, aging pop, & loss of businesses
Created by: tmneal



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