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SAT 1st semester

9th grade first semester SAT words

Acclaim verb-to welcome or salute with shouts or sounds of joy and approval; applaud: to acclaim the conquering heroes.
Accolade noun-any award, honor, or laudatory notice: The play received accolades from the press.
Adamant adj-utterly unyielding in attitude or opinion in spite of all appeals, urging, etc.
Advocate verb-to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument; recommend publicly: He advocated higher salaries for teachers.
Affable adj-pleasantly easy to approach and to talk to; friendly; cordial; warmly polite: an affable and courteous gentleman.
Alienate verb-to make indifferent or hostile: He has alienated his entire family.
Altruistic adj-unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others (opposed to egoistic ).
Ambiguous adj-open to or having several possible meanings or interpretations; equivocal: an ambiguous answer.
Amity noun-friendship; peaceful harmony.
Anarchy noun-a state of society without government or law.
Apathy noun-absence or suppression of passion, emotion, or excitement.
Appease verb-to bring to a state of peace, quiet, ease, calm, or contentment; pacify; soothe: to appease an angry king.
Asperity noun-harshness or sharpness of tone, temper, or manner; severity; acrimony: The cause of her anger did not warrant such asperity.
Assail verb-to attack vigorously or violently; assault.
Assiduous adj-constant; unremitting: assiduous reading.
Atrophy noun-a wasting away of the body or of an organ or part, as from defective nutrition or nerve damage.
Audacious adj-extremely bold or daring; recklessly brave; fearless: an audacious explorer.
Avarice noun-insatiable greed for riches; inordinate, miserly desire to gain and hoard wealth.
Created by: Susindhar98
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