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A fragment of the vocabulary words appearring. (Class fourth quarter)

Abnegation His giving up of the throne was an act of ABNEGATION. renouncing, giving up his rights
Abstruse Modern physics is too ABSTRUSE for untrained people to understand. difficult, deep, recondite
Acrid We were all afraid of his ACRID wit. biting, sharp, caustic
Affront He deliberately AFFRONTED his opponent. insulted, offended, was offensive when face to face with
Anachronism There may be a few piston-driven planes in use twenty years from now, but they will be ANACHRONISMS in the jet age. an outmoded thing, an anomaly
August The king's AUGUST presence repressed all levity. impressive, awe inspiring, dignified
Cacophony Modern jazz to him sounded like mere CACOPHONY. noise, discord, disharmony
Chagrin When I dropped the tea cup, I blushed with CHAGRIN. embarrassment, mortification, discomfiture
Clandestine The conspirators held a CLANDESTINE meeting. secret, furtive, surreptitious
Contumely Instead of listening to my explanation, he brushed me aside with CONTUMELY. scorn, contempt, insolence
Deprecate I approve of John's actions, even though you DEPRECATE them. oppose, plead earnestly against, disapprobate
Desultory It will take more than DESULTORY efforts to reach our goal. occasional, random, haphazard
Eclectic His ideas are ECLECTIC but unified. gathered from many sources
Egregious He made EGREGIOUS errors in his work, so they fired him. bad, obvious, flagrant
Enamored John was deeply ENAMORED of his new bride, infatuated with her shallow prettiness. fond, loving
Eschew If you want to get ahead, stick to your work and ESCHEW late hours and parties. stay away from, shun, abstain from
Facile John's mind is so FACILE he always agrees with the most recent speaker. easily influenced, complaisant
Fickle Four broken engagements in three years showed her to be as FICKLE as she was attractive. changing, unstable, inconstant
Generic Keen eyesight in the cat family is not unusual; in fact it seems to be GENERIC. common, widespread, general
Harbinger The first robin is the HARBINGER of spring. sign, foreteller
Hypochondriac My uncle is such a HYPOCHONDRIAC that he buys a new medicine every week. worried about his health, taken with imaginary illness
Impute Why does she IMPUTE such thoughts to me? They aren't my ideas. charge, attribute, ascribe
Ineptitude Because of his INEPTITUDE he was taken off the job. clumsiness, unfitness, inefficiency
Intrepid The sailors wanted to turn back, but the INTREPID captain ordered them to sail on. brave, fearless, dauntless
Juxtapose If the paintings are JUXTAPOSED, their similarity becomes obvious. set together, put in proximity
Labyrinth To discourage through traffic, the streets were laid out in a LABYRINTH of curves and dead ends. confusing pattern, entanglement, maze
Maciavellian These MACHIAVELLIAN policies kept the old man in power but made him feared and mistrusted. sly, wily, astute.
Mellifluous From somewhere nearby came the MELLIFLUOUS tones of a fine violin. sweetly flowing, smooth, honied
Nomad John is a regular NOMAD; he hates to settle down and just likes to roam. wanderer, gypsy, itinerant
Ostentatious John does not write Ph. D. after his name because he thinks that would be OSTENTATIOUS. showing off, pretentious
Paradox He is so wise in some ways and so foolish in others that he is a living PARADOX. inconsistency, apparent contradiction
Pathos The PATHOS of the child's death on Christmas Eve filled us all with sadness. pitifulness, sympathy-evoking nature
Pensive John sat there so PENSIVE, so lost in his own thoughts, that he did not hear us call. meditative, absorbed
Philistine Some people are such PHILISTINES that they see modern art merely as an excuse for jokes. so uncultured, unrefined, ignorant
Poignant At my daughter's graduation, I suddenly had a POIGNANT realization that my child had grown up. sharp, painful, keen
Prate We let the little girl PRATE on without listening to her. chatter, babble
Propinquity The only trouble with this apartment is its PROPINQUITY to a lower class tavern. nearness, closeness, proximity
Redress For years he has tried to get REDRESS for the damage done to his property. repayment, remedy, reparation
Reticent Don't be so RETICENT; tell us what happened. reluctant to speak, reversed
Satiated He played so many records that we became SATIATED with music. fed up, wearied, surfeited
Created by: orangedawg
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