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Sat Voc List 1

Abase to lower in rank or esteem; to degrade
Abase Abash to embarrass
Abate to lessen, to decline
Acrid bitter, sour
Acrimonious spiteful, bitter, nasty
Acumen mental sharpness, common sense, intuition
Agrarian having to do with the land, farming
alacrity cheerfulness, promptness
allege to assert, to claim with no proof
amorphous lacking shape, formless
Anachronistic no longer in use or out of place in time, incongrous
Analogy a comparison, a similarity
Appreciate to increase worth
Apprehensive anxious, afraid
Approbation praise, admiration
Ascetic self denying, like a hermit
Assiduous hard working, active
Assimilate to take in, to learn, or to adjust
Assuage to relieve the pain, to calm
Astute perceptive, brainy
banal dull, tasteless
Beget to create, to reproduce
Benefactor a supporter, a philanthropist
Bolster to help, to support
Cacophony a harsh unpleasant noise
Cadence rhythm, pitch
Catholic all embracing, broad-minded
Censure to criticize severely, to blame
Chagrin displeasure, frustration
Chronic never-ending, accustomed
Circumlocution indirect speech, a euphemism
Coalesce to blend, or to unite
Compelling forcing to act
Compendium a summary
Created by: spodolski
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