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Jeremy's Spanish
Jeremy's Spanish Flash Cards
Question | Answer |
la barba | beard |
brazo | arm |
cara | face |
dedo | finger |
diente | tooth |
frente | forehead |
labios | lips |
mejilla | cheek |
ojos | eyes |
pecho | chest |
piel | skin |
pierna | leg |
cabello | hair |
boca | mouth |
cabeza | head |
cuerpo | body |
dedo del pie | toe |
estomago | stomach |
garganta | throat |
mano | hand |
nariz | nose |
oreja | ear |
pelo | hair |
pie | foot |
uñas | nails |
cerebro | brain |
cuello | neck |
hueso | bone |
muñeca | wrist |
rodilla | knee |
tobillo | ankle |
codo | elbow |
espalda | back |
hombros | shoulders |
músculo | muscle |
sangre | blood |
oído | inner ear |
derecho | right |
izquierdo | left |
roto | broken |
hinchado | swollen |
torcido | sprained/twisted |
alegre | happy |
cansado | tired |
deprimido | depressed/sad |
enfermo | sick |
feliz | happy |
nervioso | nervous |
preocupado | worried |
triste | sad |
bien | well |
contento | content/happy |
emocionado | excited |
enojado | mad/angry |
mal | badly |
ocupado | busy |
tranquilo | calm/tranquil |
doler | to hurt/ache |
poner una inyección | to get a shot |
sacar una radiografía | to get an x-ray |
tener dolor de + body part | to have a ___ ache/hurt |
vomitar | to vomit |
examinar | to exam |
dar puntadas | to get stitches |
recetar | to prescribe |
tener fiebre | to have a fever |
tener un catarro | to have a cold |
tener un resfriado | to have a cold |
tener el gripe | to have the flu |
sentirse | to feel (emotions) |
dormir | to sleep |
dormirse | to fall asleep |
moverse | to move |
morir | to die |
morirse de hambre | to die of hunger |
caerse | to fall |
cortarse | to cut oneself |
Qué te pasó? | What happened? |
torcerse | to sprain/twist |
chocar con | to crash into/to collide with |
lastimarse | to hurt oneself |
romperse | to break/tear |
tropezar | to trip over |
alergia | allergy |
antibiótico | antibiotics |
camilla | stretcher |
cirujano | surgeon |
hinchazón | swelling |
jarabe | cough syrup |
operación | operations |
tos | cough |
análisis | medical test |
aspirina | aspirin |
fiebre | fever |
gripe | flu |
fractura | fracture |
lesión | injury |
picadura | sting |
estar resfriado | to have a cold |
sufrir | to suffer |
estornudar | sneeze |
dolor | pain/ache |
inyección | shot/injection |
muletas | crutches |
puntadas | stitches |
receta | prescription |
silla do ruedas | wheel chair |
yeso | cast |
ambulancia | ambulance |
enfermero | nurse |
medicina | medicine |
pastillas | pills |
radiografía | x-rays |
rayos x | x-rays |
sala de emergencia | E.R. |
sala de urgencias | E.R. |
venda | bandage |
accidente | accident |
Qué lástima! | What a shame! |
pobrecito | poor baby/poor thing |
Ay! | Ouch! |
Qué dolor! | What pain! |
la tirita | Band-Aid ® |
bombero | firefighter |
médico | doctor |
paramédico | paramedic |
veterinario | vet |
dentista | dentist |
héroe | hero |
heroína | heroine |
doctor | doctor |
policía | policeman (woman) |
tener cuidado | to be careful |
tener prisa | to be in a hurry |
tener miedo | to be scared/afraid |
tener verguenza | to be ashamed/embarassed |
tropezarse con | to trip |
dar | to give |
haber | to have |
traer | to bring |
caer | to fall |
decir | to say/to tell |
poner | to put/ to place |
venir | to come here |
leer | to read |
construir | to construct/build |
destruir | to destroy |
creer | to believe |
oír | to hear |
huir | to flee |
andar | to walk |
producir | to produce |
saber | to know (facts and info) |
conducir | to drive |
querer | to want |
dar puntadas | to get stitches |
recetar | to prescribe |
poner una inyección | to give a shot |
sacar una radiografía | to get an x-ray |
huracán | hurricane |
llover | to rain |
nevar | to snow |
tormenta | storm |
ciclón | cyclone |
inundación | flood |
lluvia | rain |
terremoto | earthquake |
daño | damage |
derrumbe | mudslide/landslide |
huir | to flee |
seguro | safe |
tempestad | tornado |
erupción volcánico | volcanic eruption |
maremoto | tidal wave/tsunami |
sobrevivir | to survive |
tifón | typhoon |
fuegos | fires |
tornado | tornado |
artículo | article |
locutor | announcer |
occurrir | to occur |
tratar de | to try to |
detalles | details |
periodista | journalist/reporter |
investigar | to investigate |
noticiero | newscast |
reportero | reporter |
en vivo | live |
el titular | title/headline |
apagar | to put out/to turn off |
muerto | dead |
el edificio de apartamentos | apartment building |
escaparse | to escape |
explosión | explosion |
incendio | fire |
quemar (quemarse) | to burn (yourself) |
bajar | to go down |
comenzar | to start/to begin |
dormido | asleep |
escalera | stairs/ladder |
esconder (se) | to hide |
humo | smoke |
muebles | furniture |
se murieron | they died |
subir | to climb/to go up |
fuego | fire |
herido | injured |
rescatar | to rescue |
valiente | brave |
vivo | alive/living |
el herido | injured person |
salvar | to save |
vida | life |
herida | injury |
a causa de | because of |
asustado | scared frightened |
de prisa | in a hurry |
gritar | to scream |
llamar | to call |
Socorro! | Help! |
hace mucho tiempo | A long time ago... |
afortunadamente | fortunately |
causa | cause |
de repente | suddenly |
hubo | there was |
sin duda | without a doubt |
erase una vez | Once upon a time |
vivieron felizmente para siempre | They lived happily ever after |
tener ____ años | to be____ years old |
tener cuidado | to be careful |
tener hambre | to be hungry |
tener prisa | to be in a hurry |
tener sed | to be thirsty |
tener ganas do | to feel like |
tener suerte | to be lucky |
tener calor | to be hot |
tener frío | to be cold |
tener miedo | to be afraid |
tener razón | to be right/correct |
tener sueño | to be sleepy |
tener que | to have to |
estar triste | to be sad |
estar cansado | to be tired |
parecer mal | to seem/appear bad |
sentirse enfermo | to feel sick |
estar contento | to be happy |
parecer cansado | to seem/appear tired |
pensar | to think |
sentirse bien | to feel well |
tener calor (hambre, frío...) | to be hot (.....) |
decir* | dij |
estar* | estuv |
poder* | pud |
poner* | pus |
tener* | tuv |
traer* | traj |
venir* | vin |
conducir* | conduj |
andar* | anduv |
producir* | produj |
querer* | quis |
saber* | sup |
hace fresco | it is cool |
hace viento | it is windy |
llueve | it is raining |
nieva | it is snowing |
alfombra | rug |
cama | bed |
cómodo | dresser |
cortinas | curtains |
cuadro | painting |
disco compacto | cd |
equipo de sonido | sound system |
espejo | mirror |
estante | book shelf |
lámpara | lamp |
mesita | nightstand |
pared | wall |
televisor | tv set |
video | video |
videocasetera | vcr |
baño | bathroom |
cocina | kitchen |
comedor | dining room |
dormitorio | bedroom |
garaje | garage |
jardín | garden |
oficina | office |
patío | patio |
la planta baja | ground floor |
el primer piso | second floor |
sala | livingroom |
segundo piso | third floor |
sótano | basement |
hace calor | it is hot |
hace frío | it is cold |
hace sol | it is sunny |
desastres naturales | natural disasters |
personas que nos ayudan | people that help us |