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AP Spanish Verbs Q1

Quarter 1 Verbs

abastecer supply
acabar* finish,
acabar con end with
acabar de have just
acabarse finish
acceder* agree,
acoger welcome
aconsejar advise
acordarse de remember
acorralar corner
acribillar riddle with bullet holes
acudir a* come to,
adosar place or lean against
adueñarse de take possession of
afianzar strengthen or secure or reinforce
afligir afflict
agradar please
agredir assault or attack
aguantar* put up with,
aguardar wait (for)
ahorrar save money
ahumar smoke/cure food
alejarse go away or
alzar raise or lift
amortizar pay off
andar en serio get serious
angustiarse anguish or worry
anidar nest
animar cheer up
animarse a feel encouraged to
apedrear stone
apoderarse take possession of
aporrear hit or beat
aproximar bring near
arrendar rent or lease
arrojarse throw/fling oneself
asearse clean oneself
aullar howl
avergonzar shame
avergonzarse de be ashamed of
brincar jump
brindar toast a drink
burlar outwit
caber fit
cavilar wonder or ponder
cegar blind
ceñir bind
ceñirse fasten tight
chasmuscar singe or char
chaspuear click
chiflar* boo,
chillar shriek
chirriar squeak
clavar nail
coger** catch,
comparar compare
comulgar take communion
concertar agree on or settle
concordar agree
conformar agree or be of the same opinion
conjugar conjugate
consentir* spoil/pamper,
contorsionarse twist/writhe/contort onself
contravenir infringe
convidar invite
coquetear flirt
cortejar court or woo
criar raise kids
cuidar a take care of a person
cuidar de take care of a thing
cumplir con la palabra keep one's word
curtir tan
dar a face
dar a luz give birth
dar asco disgust
dar con meet up with or
dar cuerda a wind (clock)
dar de sí do one's best
dar en strike against or hit
dar fin a finish
dar gritos shout
dar limosna make a donation
dar un paseo en coche take a ride
dar una paliza give a beating to
dar una vuelta turn around
dar voces shout
darle risa make one laugh
darse cuenta de realize
darse la mano shake hands
decaer decline
decepcionar disappoint
decir la buenaventura tell one's fortune
defraudar defraud
delinquir break the law
desdecir de retract
desdibujar blurr
despegar* take off (plane),
despeñar hurl or throw
divertir entertain or amuse
echar throw or toss
echar a perder spoil
echar la culpa blame
echarle de menos miss (someone)
echarse a begin to
emparedar wall in
encarar face
encoger shrink
encogerse de hombros shrug one's shoulders
encomendar entrust
endeudarse fall in
engreír make vain/conceited
engrudar paste papers
enmendar amend or correct
entrevistar interview
escaparse elope
escoger* choose,
espantar frighten
esponjear snoop or pry
esposar handcuff
esterilizar sterilize
evitar avoid
exhibir exhibit or display
faltar lack or be lacking
financiar finance
freír fry
fulgurar flash or shine
fusilar shoot (gun)
gemir* moan,
girar en torno a revolve around
girar un cheque write a check
haber have + past part
hipar have the hiccups
holgazanear loaf or lounge
hundir sink
impregnar* impregnate,
iniciar iniciate
insortar spread the news or make known
instalar install or set up
instalarse move in
jactarse brag or boast
ligar tie together
limarse las uñas file one's nails
liquidar* liquidate,
lloviznar sleet or drizzle
malcriar spoil or pamper
marear(se)* get seasick,
marinar marinate
multar fine
oler smell
olfatear sniff
orinarse urinate
parir give birth
pedir* ask for,
pedir prestado borrow
pernoctar spend the night
planchar iron
poblar populate or inhabit
precalentar preheat
pregonar proclaim
preguntar ask questions
procurar try or endeavor
prometer promise
rascar scratch
reacomodar rearrange
recaudar collect
rechazar reject or refuse
recobrar recover
recoger* pick up,
refunfuñar grumble
regresar return
remendar patch or mend
reprobar flunk/fail a test
resecar dry out
rodear surround
sembrar plant
sofreír sauté
sonar* ring,
soñar dream
suscribir subscribe
talar cut down (trees)
tallar carve
tatuar(se) (get a) tattoo
temer fear
tintinear jingle
tiranizar tyrannize
tomar take (food, drink, transportation)
tomar el pelo pull someone's leg
torear bullfight
toser cough
transpirar perspire
trasladar transfer (jobs)
trasnochar stay out all night
valer be worth
valer la pena be worthwhile
vedar forbid or ban
vendar(se) bandage
veranear spend the summer
zanganear loaf around
zarandear shake vigorously
zumbrar buzz
Created by: tara_markov
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