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Industrial Relations

Chapter 3 Business

What is Industrial Relations? Industrial relations is the relationship between employers and employees.
Name 3 advantages of industrial relations? 1: Increased goods a lot more produced 2: There are less strikes more people are loyal and are willing to work And 3: A reduced absenteesim
What are the causes of industrial disputes? 1: Claims for better pay and reward systems 2:Claims for better working conditions 3:Disagreement about promoting other employees 4:The threat of redundancies(workers being laid off) 5: Demarciation issues (a who does what dispute)
Give a definition for a trade union? A trade uninon is a group that represents workers
Give the functions of trade unions? 1: Give workers powerin acting together 2: Represent members in trade disputes 3:Provide services for members,E.G insurance schemes
Give six benefits of trade unions in employers and employees? Employers:1:They simplify negotiations by dealing with workers. 2:They maintain discipline in workers 3: Provide wage stability In Employees:1)Workers who are joined in a group help members get deals 2:)The trade union officials know employment law
Give two ways trade unions are organised? 1)Every employee has a right to join a trade union so they elect a shop steward to represent them 2) The union has branches to elect members it organises activities and communicates with head office.
What are trade disputes? This is a dispute between a employer and employee.
What are the causes of industrial disputes? 1:Claims for better pay and reward systems 2:Claims for better working conditions e.g holidays] 3: Disagreements about promoting employees in the workplace 4:Discrimination or unfair dismissals
What are trade unions? Trade unions is a group that seeks to improve the rights of workers for employees and to get better pay and conditions for work.
What are the functions of trade unions? 1: to give workers power 2:To represent members in trade disputes 3:Protect the job security of employees 4:To provide services for members E.G. insurance schemes
Name the benefits of trade unions? Employees 1:workers who join together in the group have more power than one individual 2:Trade unions have skilled negotiations to get great deals 3:Know the law on employment
Benefits of trade unions on employers?? 1:To simplify negotiations by dealing with workers 2:To maintain discipline among workers
What are the duties of a shop steward? 1:Keep union members in the workplace informed on matters this involves going to meetings or distributing union literature. 2: In some cases collect union subscriptions 3:Also collect union subscriptions
What is redundancy? This is when workers are laid off because not enough work is provided.
What is a legitimate trade dispute? This can arise from employers and employees it can have concerning matters, E.G. conditions at work
Describe demarciation? This is a "who does what dispute" it is disputes who does what in the workplace
Describe immunity? Immunity is basically when workers cant be criminally charged/sued, unions must give 1 weeks notice when going on strike.
What is picketing? Primary picketing is outside the place of dispute not house of owner and it must be peaceful Secondary picketing: The employer is helping there employer to frustrate industrial action.
Give the functions of the Irish congress of trade unions? 1:Promote trade union membership 2:Provide education and training for unions 3:Sanction all strikes 4:Help resolve disputes between members
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