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Chapter 4 vocab/def.

vocab/def. for chapter 4

Commute to travel to work
megalopolis a number of cities and suburbs that blend into one urban area
population density the average number of people per square mile or square kilometer
petrochemical a substance such as plastic or paint that is made from petroleum
industialization the process of building new industries in an area dominated by farming
sun belt an area of the united states streching from the southern atlantic coast to the california coast
mixed-crop farm a farm that grows several dikfferent kinds of crops
recession a decline in business activity or economic prosperity
corprorite farm a large farm that is run by a corporation, or an agricultural company
forty-niner a nickname for a miner who took part in the California gold rush of 1849
responsible development balanceing the needs of the enviornment, community, and economy
mass transit a system of subways, buses, and comuter trains used to transport large number of people
totem pole a tall, carved pole containing symbols of a particular Native American group, clan, or family
boom town a settlement that springs up quickly to serve the needs of miners
Exile to force someone to leave his or her native land or home
maritime having to do with navigation or shipping on the sea
aquaculture the cultivation of fish or water plants
aurora borealis the colorful bands of light that can be seen in the sky of the Northern Hemisphere
Inukitiut the native language of the inuit
Created by: Gabe Blanchard
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