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muscle tissue controls internal and external movement
epithelial tissue covers surface of body and lines internal organs
connective tissue holds organs in place and binds different parts of the body together
nervous tissue recieves messages from the body's internal and external enviroment
threshold minimum level of stimulus to activate a neuron
action potential firing of a neuron
acetyl choline used in thought and muscles
epinephrine excitedtory/ vasoconstrictor
seratonin mood and sleep
dopamine pleasure neuron
the central nervous system brain and spinal cord; processes information
the peripheral nervous system picks up stimuli from the outside enviroment; sends to central nervous system
vision sensing light with your eyes
pupil opening that regulates the amount of light entering the eye
lens focuses the object
retina contains rods and cones
rods black and white vision
cones color vision
hearing picking up sound vibration
cochlea hair cells inside produce nerve impulses in response to vibration
semicircular canals responsible for balance
ligament attaches bone to bone
tendon attaches muscle to bone
skeletal muscle tissue striated-voluntary; attaches to bone; can be involuntary
smooth muscle tissue involuntary; (digestive tract)
cardiac muscle tissue myocardium, involuntary
muscle contraction the sliding filament theory
neuromuscular junctions neuron controls muscle contraction
the skin serves as a barrier against infectio, regulates temp., secretes waste, UV protection
epidermis outer layer, contains melanosytes
dermis inner layer, has cologen, blood vessels, nerve endings, glands, sense organs, smooth muscles, hair folicles
antigen disease causing agent, viruses and bacteria
second line of defense inflammatory response; white blood cells go to area vaso-constrict bacteria so body cannot tell difference between pierced and unpierced skin so it always gets hot
first line of defense skin; non-specific (keeps everything out)
B cell makes antibodies
antibody surround "bad guys"; combine with antigens
helper T cells activate other helper T's and B cells
cytotoxic T cells attack imbaded cells
active immunity body produces antibodies from getting sick or from a vaccine
passive immunity antibodies are injected or you get them from mom
allergic response the antigen binds to an antibody that binds to a mast cell mast cells secret histimines
hormones keeps the body in homestatis
hypothalamus controls the pituitary gland and is responsible for the flight or fight response
pituitary gland secrets hormones
antidiuretic hormone (ADH) responsible for water resbsorbtion in the kidney
oxytocin controls ejection of milk
follicle-stimulating hormone stimulates production of egg and sperm
luteinizing hormone (LH) causes a release of the egg
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) stimulates the release of the thyroxine from the thyroid gland
adreno-corticotropic hormone (ACTH) release of hormones from the adrenal glands
growth hormone (GH) protein synthesis and growth in cells
prolactin milk production
thyroid gland regulates metabolism
thyroxin (hormone) responsible for metabolism
calcitonin puts calcium from blood into bones
parathyroid gland homoestasis of calcium
parathyroid hormone (PTH) takes calcium out of bone and into blood
adernal glands prepare for and deal with stress
cortisol (hormone) repsonsible for metabolism of carbs, lipids, and proteins
aldosterone (hormone) sodium/potassium balance in kidney
epinephrine increase heart and blood pressure
pancreas makes enzymes and hormones
Islets of Langerhand have alpha and beta cells
insulin produced by beta cells; puts glucose into cells and muscles
glucagon produced by alpha cells; changes glycogen into glucose
the circulatory system heart, blood vessels, blood
myocardium heart muscle; beats in unison
sinoatrial node pacemaker; controls heartbeat
blood vessels aterie-arterioles-capillaries-venules-veins
arteries are thick and elastic so it can handle pulse of blood
veins one way valves; take blood back to the heart
blood pressure pressure from the heart on the vessels
systolic first hit of blood on the arterie walls
diastolic free flow of blood into the aterie
heart attack blocks ateries; symptoms:difficulty breathing, nausea
stroke blood clot breaks free and gets stuck in the brain
hypertension(?) high blood pressure
erythrocytes RBC (45% of blood is RBC)
hemoglobin carrys O2 and contains iron
plasma fluid in blood 55%
platelets clot blood 1%
the lymphatic system network of vessels that collect fluid once it leaves the circulatory system
air pathway nose/mouth- nasal cavity- pharynx- larynx- trachea- bronchi- bronchioles- alvedarducts- aveoli
aveoli air sacs where you change O2 and CO2
bulimia binging and purging
anorexia not eating
cirrhosis scar tissue on the liver from detoxifying
diabetes insulin target cells do not respond (type #2)
kidney filters uria out of the blood
nephron 1 million per kidney
Created by: caitlincocuzzo
Popular Biology sets




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