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Research Methods

Test 2 Study Stack

Attitude Approach Attitudes affect behaviors. Made up of Beliefs, Values, Attitudes, and Opinions. Cognitive Dissonance makes it hard for people to change attitudes.
How to regain cognitive balance? 1. Change the attitude or behavior (least likely). 2. Ignore new information. 3. Recast the rationale for attitude and behavior. 4. Devalue new information - Discredit the source
Socialization Approach The process by which people learn political norms of society. It never ends and is interactive.
What are the agents of Socialization? 1. Family. 2. School. 3. Peer Groups. 4. Reference Groups (Catholic Church, Worker Union). 5. Media
Social Learning Theory Author: Albert Bandura. Book: Aggression: A social-learning Bandura Analysis. Theory: All actions take place in an enviornment and have cause effects. Actions have consequences. People change behavior based on consequences. That's social learning.
Judicial Roles: Interest Group Theory Theorist: David Truman. Book: The Governmental Approach. Theory: Interest Group Theory: Society is composed of groups. Goals of different interests groups compete with each other. Policy that emerges will be result of clashes from all political groups.
Elitism Theorist: C Wright Mills. Book: The Power Elite. Power is concentrated in hands of few: Those who control the military, economy, and political system. Hard to get into Elitism. Also hard to fall out.
Pluralism Theorist: Robert Dahl. Book: Who Governs? Power is widely distributed. Many groups have power, not just elite people. Interest Groups have great power.
Ecological Fallacy Where a researcher researches things at the group level and applies the resulting theory to inviduals
Individual Fallacy When a Researcher researches individuals and applies results to groups and systems.
Small Group Approach: Groupthink Theorist: Irving Janis. Book: Victims of Groupthink.
Groupthink occurs when: Group has strucutral faults: Insulation of group, having leaders who are partial to their own group, no independent decision making process, and members of similar background. They have high stress and low self-esteem
Symptoms of Groupthink: Believe group is stronger than it is, that is invulnerable. Group doesn't accept information that doesn't agree with its ideals. A pressure exists to tow the line the leaders set.
Systems Approach: Theorist: David Easton. The Political System. As theory and organizing framework
Communications Approach Theorist: Karl Deutsch. Book: The Nerves of Government. Key concepts: Information. Load = Volume of Information. Lag- Time between info entering the system and response. Distortion: How does the information change (eg. telephone). Feedback
Ryker: Believed government leaders should win by only a little bit. Creates best conditions for party. Every member is necessary in coalition and therefore members can make demands
schlesinger Political science is culmulative because different theorists have different perspectives on government and can complement each other.
Biopolitics Theorist: Thomas Wiegele. Book: Biopolitics Blends life sciences and social sciences. Human behavior affects biology. However, does not claim biological determinism.
Personality Theorist: James David Barber. Book: Presidential Character. Made distinctions of 20th Century Presidents. 4 catagories, split into positive/negative, active/passive. Active Positives are best presidents.
Created by: swillkeough
Popular Law sets




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