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Como se Dice
Como se dice chapter 10
Answer | |
La Electricidad | electricity |
El resto | rest |
el alquiler | rent |
el barrio | neighborhood |
la vecindad | neighborhood |
la bolsa de dormir | sleeping bag |
el saco de dormir | sleeping bag |
el bolso | handbag |
la cartera | handbag |
el coche | car |
la cómoda | chest of drawers, dresser |
el carro | car |
la criada | maid |
el auto | car |
el edificio | building |
el automóvil | car |
el encargado, la encargada | super (building superintendant) |
la escuela | school |
la escuela primaria | elementary school |
la escuela secondaria | secondary school |
el invitado, la invitada | guest |
la mesita de noche | night table |
el metro | subway |
los muebles | furniture |
el subterráneo | subway |
la pensión | boarding house |
alquilar | to rent |
avisor | to let know, to advise |
conocer | to meet (for the first time) |
convencer | to convince |
encontrarse | to meet (someone somewhere) |
incluir | to include |
mudarse | to move (as in one house to another) |
quejarse | to complain |
amplio, amplia | large, ample |
amueblado, amueblada | furnished |
chico, chica | small |
desocupada, desocupado | vacant |
mismo, misma | same |
acá | here |
cerca | close, near |
desde | from |
lejos | far |
solamente | only |
sólo | only |
la butaca | armchair |
el sillón | armchair |
la mesa de centro | table (coffee table) |
la alfombra | carpet |
el ventilador | fan |
el cuadro | picture frame (technically, "square") |
la cortina | curtain |
el espejo | mirror |
la almohada | pillow |
la lámpara | lamp |
el tocador | dressing table, vanity |
la sobrecama | bedspread |
la funda | cover (sheets) |
el microondas | microwave |
la licuadora | blender |
la cafetera | coffeemaker |
la plancha | iron |
la secadora | dryer |
la lavadora | washing machine |
el horno | oven |
la cacerola | saucepan |
la sartén | skillet, frying pan |