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Anthropology Midterm

A list of sites you need to know for this midterm!

Taung/Swartkrans A. africanus sites
Klasies/Blombos African cave sites exhibiting AMA art, hunting, gathering, fishing, and farming.
Lake Mungo Earliest site of Australian colonization
Great Rift Valley Archaeological hotbed that stretches from Syria to Mozambique
Terra Amata Spanish site that shows first evidence of fire, dating back 400 kya
C. K. Brain African taphonomist
Klasies River Mouth Shows evidence of some of the earliest H. sapiens, thanks to the erosion of the river
Midden Receptacle for waste
Middle Stone Age 250-50 kya
Olduvai Gorge A particular site in the Great Rift Valley that shows evidence of many generations of hominids
Superposition An object's vertical position, used in relative dating such as statigraphy
Torralba/Ambrona 400 kya site showing evidence of megafauna hunting
Lower Paleolithic 2.5 mya to 300 kya
Middle Paleolithic 300 - 30 kya
Upper Paleolithic 30 - 10 kya
Beringia The land bridge that connected Siberia to North America at times during the Pleistocene
Zhoukoudian Peking man, one of the oldest Asian H. erectus fossils
Daisy Cave Typical Pacific Island site, evidence of woven baskets and fishing
Nariokotome boy Nearly complete H. erectus skeleton found by the Leakeys
Created by: ABrickman
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