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2A - Navegando II
Question | Answer |
el cepillo | brush |
el champú | shampoo |
la crema de afeitar | shaving cream |
el desodorante | deodorant |
la ducha | shower |
el espejo | mirror |
el excusado | toilet |
el grifo | faucet |
el jabón | soap |
el lavabo | sink |
el maquillaje | make-up |
el peine | comb |
la tina | bathtub |
la toalla | towel |
la cena | dinner, supper |
la comida | food, dinner |
el desayuno | breakfast |
acostarse | to go to bed, to lie down |
afeitarse | to shave |
almorzar | to have lunch, to eat lunch |
bañarse | to bathe |
calmarse | to calm down |
cenar | to have dinner, to have supper |
cepillarse | to brush |
desayunar | to have breakfast |
despertarse | to wake up |
ducharse | to shower |
esperar | to wait |
lavarse | to wash |
levantarse | to get up |
llamarse | to be called |
maquillarse | to put on make-up |
peinarse | to comb |
ponerse | to put on |
preocuparse | to worry |
quedarse | to remain, to stay |
quemarse | to get burned |
quitarse | to take off |
sentarse | to sit down |
vestirse | to get dressed |
aquél | that one (further way, masculine) |
aquélla | that one (further way, feminine) |
aquéllos | those ones (further way, masculine) |
aquéllas | those ones (further way, feminine) |
aquello | that (further way, nueter) |
así | thus, that way |
desde luego | of course |
ése | that one (masculine) |
ésa | that one (feminine) |
ésos | those ones (masculine) |
ésas | those ones (feminine) |
eso | that (nueter form) |
éste | this one (masculine) |
ésta | this one (feminine) |
éstos | these ones (masculine) |
éstas | these ones (feminine) |
esto | this (nueter form) |
el pelo | hair |
la salud | health |
tarde | late |