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Board Formulas II
NCCAOM formula names in pinyin and functions
pinyin | function |
Ma Huang Tang | releases exterior cold arrests wheezing (exterior repletion) |
Gui Zhi Tang | releases pathogens from the muscle layer regulates ying and wei (exterior vacuity) |
Ge Gen Tang | releases the muscle layer generates fluids (exterior repletion with aches) |
Xiao Qing Long Tang | releases the exterior, expels thin mucus, warms the lungs, directs rebellious qi down (exterior repletion) |
(Jia Wei) Xiang Su San | Promotes sweating releases the exterior (common cold year round) |
Sang Ju Yin | Dispereses wind, clears heat, stops coughing by facilitating Lung qi (slight fever, cough) |
Yin Qiao San | Disperses wind heat, clears heat, resolves toxicity (fever w/ sore throat) |
Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang | Releases pathogens from the muscle layer, clears interior heat (fever with stiffnes) |
Sheng Ma Ge Gen Tang | releases the muscle layer, vents rashes (uneven rashes) |
Ren Shen Bai Du San | Releases the exterior, dispels wind & damp, augments qi (exterior attack w/ qi deficiency) |
Jia Jian Wei Rui Tang | releases the exterior, clears heat, induces sweating, nourishes yin |
Da Cheng Qi Tang | Vigorously purges heat accumulation (constipation) |
Xiao Cheng Qi Tang | purges heat accumulation (constipation with less dryness) |
Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang | mildly purges clumped heat (mild constipation w/o distention) |
Run Chang Wan | moistens the intestines, unblocks the bowels (elderly, postpartum dry constipation) |
Ma Zi Ren Wan | moistens the intestines unblocks the bowels drains heat moves qi (hard dry bound stool) |
Ji Chuan Jian | warms the kidneys nourishes blood and essence moistens the intestines unblocks the bowels (Kidney yang vacuity constipation) |
Xiao Chai Hu Tang | Harmonizes and releases shao yang disorders (alternating fever and chills) |
Si Ni San | vents pathogens releases constraint supports the spleen courses liver qi (cold extremities w/ warm body) |
Xiao Yao San | Strengthens the spleen nourishes the blood spreads liver qi (hypochondriac pain) |
Tong Xie Yao Feng | Tonifies the spleen softens the liver expels damp stops diarrhea (painful diearrhea) |
Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang | harmonizes the stomach directs rebelious qi down disperses clumping eliminates focal distention (epigastric distention with vomiting) |
Da Chai Hu Tang | harmonizes the shao yang releases internal clumping from heat (alternating fever and chills w/ internal heat signs) |
Ge Gen Huang Qin Huang Lian Tang | releases the exterior and drains heat |
Bai Hu Tang | clears qi level heat, alleviates thirst, generates fluids, drains stomach fire (4 bigs) |
Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang | Clears heat generates fluids augments qi harmonizes the stomach (more nourishing, for fluid damage) |
Qing Ying Tang | clears the nutritive level relieves fire toxin drains heat nourishes yin (night high fever with a scarlet dry tongue) |
Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang | Clears heat, resolves toxin, nourishes yin, nourishes blood, resolves blood stasis, stops bleeding (fever w/ bleeding or black stools) |
Huang Lian Jie Du Tang | drains fire resolves toxicity (high fever) |
Xie Xin Tang | Drains fire resolves toxicity dries dampness (fever w/ epigastric focal distention) |
Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin | clears heat, eliminates fire toxin, disperses wind heat (high fever w/ headache) |
Liang Ge San | drains and unblocks the bowels by clearing the upper burner and draining the middle burner (heat & irritability in the chest and abdomen) |
Qing Wen Bai Du Yin | Clears heat, resolves toxicity, cools the blood, drains fire (severe heat with damage to fluids) |
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang | facilitates the flow of lung qi, clears heat, calms wheezing by directing qi down (fever w/ wheezing or cough) |
Xie Bai San | Drains heat from the lung calms wheezing (pediatric cough and wheezing w/ fever) |
Xie Huang San | Clears lurking fire from the spleen and stomach (mouth ulcers) |
Qing Wei San | Clears stomach fire, cools the blood, nourishes yin (toothache, facial swelling) |
Yu Nu Jian | clears heat from the stomach nourishes yin (kidney vacuity with replet stomach fire) |
Dao Chi San | clears the heart promotes urination (heart fire falling into the small intestine) |
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang | drains fire from the liver and gallbladder drains damp heat from the lower jiao (replete heat in channels or gallstones, uti, hepatitis) |
Zuo Jin Wan | clears liver heat directs rebellious qi down stops vomiting (hypochondriac pain, vomiting) |
Shao Yao Tang | regulates and harmonizes qi and blood clears heat dries damp resolves toxicity (amoebic dysentery pus=blood) |
Bai Tou Weng Tang | clears heat resolves toxicity cools the blood relieves dysentery (dysentery blood > pus) |
Qing Hao Bei Jia Tang | nourishes yin vents heat (night fever morning coolness) |
Qing Gu San | clears heat from deficiency alleviates steaming bone disorder |
Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang | enriches yin drains fire stabilizes the exterior stops sweating (fever w/ night sweats) |
Xiang Ru San | releases the exterior, scatters cold, transforms damp, harmonizes the middle (chills with warm skin, no sweat) |
Liu Yi San | clears summerheat resolves damp augments qi (summerheat damp) |
Wu Zhu Yu Tang | warms and tonifies the Liver and Stomach directs rebellious qi down stops vomiting (yangming channel pattern with vomiting) (jueyin channel pattern with dry heaves) |
Xiao Jian Zhong Tang | warms and tonifies the middle burner eases spasmodic abdominal pain (gui zhi tang + yi tang) |
Da Jian Zhong Tang | warms and tonifies the middle burner, directs rebellious qi down, alleviates pain (postoperative ileus) |
Si Ni Tang | rescues devestated yang warms the middle burner stops diarrhea (4 reversals, incessant diarrhea) |
Sheng Jiang Xie Xin Tang | harmonizes the stomach reduces focal distention disperse clumping expels water (epigastric focal distention) |
Gan Cao Xie Xin Tang | Severe stomach qi deficiency (undigested food) |
Si Jun Zi Tang | Tonifies qi strengthens the spleen (qi vacuity) |
Shen Ling Bai Zhu San | augments qi strengthens the spleen leaches out dampness stops diarrhea (loose stools, weak spleen) |
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang | tonifies the middle Augments qi raises yang lifts what has sunken (prolapse) |
Yu Ping Feng San | Augments qi stabilizes the exterior stops sweating (wei qi vacuity) |
Sheng Mai San | augments qi generates fluids preserves the yin stops excessive sweating (weak pulse) |
Si Wu Tang | tonifies blood regulates the liver (liver blood vacuity) |
Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang | Tonifies qi generates blood (delayed menses or infertility) |
Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang | Nourishes blood augments yin moderates painful spasms, alleviates pain (muscle spasms) |
Ba Zheng Tang | tonifies and augments qi and blood (qi and blood vacuity) |
Shi Quan Da Bu Tang | warms and tonifies qi and blood (qi blood and yin deficiency) |
Gui Pi Tang | augments qi nourishes blood strengthens the spleen nourishes the heart (insomnia) |
Zhi Gan Cao Tang | Augments qi nourishes blood enriches yin restores the pulse (palpitations) |
Tai Shan Pan Shi San | augments qi strengthens the spleen nourishes the blood quiets the fetus (threatened miscarriage) |
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan | Enriches the yin nourishes the kidneys (low back weakness, night sweats) |
Du Qi Wan | tonifies and gently warms the kidneys (chronic wheezing) |
Qi Ju Di Huang Wan | tonifies the liver and kidney yin (dry eyes, diminished vision) |
Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan | Nourishes yin clears heat, drains fire alleviates steaming bone (night sweats/nocturnal emissions) |
Zuo Gui Yin | nourishes yin tonifies the kidneys (kidney marrow and essence deficiency) |
Zuo Gui Wan | nourishes yin enriches the kidneys fills essence augments marrow |
Da Bu Yin Wan | enriches yin drains fire downward (steaming bone w/ afternoon fever) |
Yi Guan Jian | enriches yin spreads liver qi (hypochondriac pain) |
Er Zi Wan | tonifies the liver and kidney (mild liver and kidney yin vacuity) |
Bai He Gu Jin Tang | nourishes yin moistens the lungs transforms phlegm stops cough (cough w/ bloody sputum) |
(Jin Gui) Shen Qi Wan | warms and tonifies kidney yang (mild kidney yang vacuity) |
You Gui Wan | warms and tonifies kidney yang tonifies essence nourishes blood (severe kidney yang vacuity) |
You Gui Yin | warms the kidney replenishes the essence (kidney yang vacuity or true cold false heat) |
Er Xian Tang | warms kidney yang tonifies kidney essence drains fire from the kidney regulates the chong and ren (menopausal symptoms) |
Mu Li San | Inhibits sweating stabilizes the exterior (spontaneous/night sweat) |
Zhen Ren Yang Zang Tang | warms the middle tonifies deficiency restrains leakage from the intestines stops diarrhea (chronic diarrhea) |
Si Shen Wan | warms and tonifies the spleen and kidneys binds the intestines and stops diarrhea (daybreak diarrhea) |
Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan | stabilizes the kidneys binds up the semen (chronic spermatorrhea) |
Sang Piao Xiao San | regulates and tonifies the heart and kidneys stabilizes the essence stops leakage (frequent urination) |
Shou Tai Wan | stabilizes the kidneys and calms the fetus (kidney vacuity miscarriage threat) |
Gu Jin Wan | enriches yin clears heat stops bleeding stabilizes the menses (continuous uterine bleeding) |
Wan Dai Tang | tonifies the middle strengthens the spleen transforms damp stops vaginal discharge (profuse thin leukorrhea) |
Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan | enriches yin nourishes blood clears heat calms the spirit (irritability, heart and kidney) |
Suan Zao Ren Tang | nourishes blood clears heat calms the spirit eliminates irritability (insomnia, liver) |
Huang Lian E Jiao Tang | enriches yin descends fire calms the spirit eliminates irritability (insomnia, heat) |
Gan Mai Dai Zao Tang | nourishes the heart calms the spirit harmonizes the middle relaxes hypertonicity (labile emotions) |
Yue Ju Wan | relieves all 6 stagnations (qi, blood, phlegm, damp, cold) |
Chai Hu Shu Gan Tang | moves qi and releases constraint (flank pain from Liver qi stagnation) |
Ban Xia Hou Po Tang | moves qi dissipates clumps directs qi down transforms phlegm (plum pit qi) |
Liang Fu Wan | warms the middle dispels cold promotes qi movement alleviates pain (cold epigastric pain) |
Jin Ling Zi San | spreads liver qi clears heat invigorates blood stops pain (pain aggravated by heat) |
Tian Tai Wu Yao San | spreads liver qi scatters cold alleviates pain (cold hernia) |
Nuan Gan Jian | warms the liver and kidneys moves qi alleviates pain (pain in low abdomen from cold stagnation) |
Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang | directs qi down stops wheezing and coughing transforms phlegm cold (cough & wheeze with copious sputum) |
Xuan Fu Dai Zhe Tang | directs qi down augments qi transforms phlegm harmonizes the stomach (stomach qi ascending) |
Ding Chuan Tang | disseminates lung qi clears heat transforms phlegm stops wheezing (cough) |
Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang | directs qi down stops hiccup clears heat augments qi (heat hiccup) |
Ding Xiang Shi Di Tang | augments qi warms the middle directs qi down stops hiccup (cold hiccup) |
Tao He Cheng Qi Tang | drains heat breaks up blood stasis (lower abdominal pain, no difficult urination) |
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang | invigorates blood dispels stasis spreads liver qi unblocks the channels (pain in the chest) |
Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang | invigorates blood dispels blood stasis moves qi alleviates pain (abdominal masses from blood stasis) |
Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang | invigorates blood dispels stasis warms menses alleviates pain (masses or pain in lower abdomen) |
Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang | invigorates blood moves qi unblocks collaterals unblocks bi alleviates pain (whole body pain) |
Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang | tonifies qi invigorates blood unblocks the channels (sequelae of wind stroke) |
Fu Yuan Huo Xue Tang | invigorates blood dispels blood stasis spreads liver qi unblocks the channels (chest pain from trauma) |