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Where do all 3 foot yin cross?
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Where does the Liver cross?
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Controlling Vessel , Ren Mai

Where do all 3 foot yin cross? Ren 3 & 4
Where does the Liver cross? Ren 2, 3 & 4
Ren 1 Hui Yin, Meeting of Yin
Ren 2 Qu Gu, Curved Bone
Ren 8 Shen que, Spirit Gate Tower
Ren 12 Central Venter, Zhong Wan
Ren 15 Turtle Dove Trail, Jiu Wei
Ren 17 Chest Center, Shan Zhong
Ren/ CV 24 Cheng Jiang, Sauce Receptacle
Location of Ren 1? Between the anus and the root of the scrotum/posterior labial commissure in females.
What is special about this being a Ghost Point? Used to treat mental/motional conditions
What are the categories for Ren 1? Meeting point of the controlling vessel, penetrating and governing vessels, and is a ghost point
What is the location of Ren 2? On the midpoint of the upper border of the sumphysis pubis.
What is the category points for Ren 2? Meeting point of the Controlling Vessel with the Liver Channel
What is the location for Ren 8? In the center of the umbilicus.
What is special about Ren 8? It cannot be needled, only Moxa
What disease was Ren 8 used for? HIV/AIDS
What is the location of Ren 12? On the anterior midline, 4 cun above the umbilicus.
What is special about Ren 12? The internal LU channel begins here
What are the categories for Ren 12? Front Mu Alarm point of the ST, and Influential point of the Fu
What is the location of Ren 15? On the anterior midline, below the xiphoid process, 7 cun above the umbilicus. Located with arms uplifted.
What is the category for Ren 15? Network Point
What is the location for Ren 17? On the anterior midline, at the level with the fourth intercostal space, midway between the nipples
What lies behind Ren 17? Zong qi
What category is Ren 17? Front Mu point of the PC, Influential Point of Qi
What is the location of Ren 24? In the depression in the center of the mento-labial groove
What are the point categories of Ren 24? Meeting point of the conception vessel with the governing vessel, the Large Intestine and Stomach channels
Created by: swalters4
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