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1. Agroforestry
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2. Allelopathic
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Chapter 13 crop prod

Term and Definition

1. Agroforestry A combination of agriculture and forestry practices that creates a diverse, productive, and sustainable land-use system.
2. Allelopathic A plant containing compounds that inhibit some plants growth.
3. Alley cropping An agroforestry system in which trees are grown in rows with annual or perennial herbaceous crops grown between the trees.
4. Biodiversity Refers to the variety of plants and animals in a given area.
5. Conservation Planting The plantings of native, perennial grasses or other designated woody species for the purpose of conserving the soil from wind or water erosion.
6. Continuous Cropping Growing the same crop on the same land for 2 or more years.
7. Contour Strip Cropping A soil and water conservation method in which annual crops are grown in alternating strips with perennial crops, and these strips follow the contours of the land rather than a straight line.
8. Cover Cropping A crop planted to protect the soil between harvest of a cash crop and planting of the next cash crop.
9. Crop Rotation A planned sequence of different crops that are grown over the years on the same land.
10. Cropping System The management of crops in space and time to efficiently use the available climatic and soil resources.
11. Double Crop A multiple cropping strategy in which two crops are grown during a single growing season.
12. Evenness The distribution or relative abundance of the individuals of a species.
13. Intercropping The system of growing two or more crops on the same piece of land at the same time. It is also called polyculture.
14. Living Mulch The system of planting annual grain crops into a living, but suppressed, perennial sod that is able to recover after the grain crop is harvested.
15. Mixed Intercropping A type of polyculture in which two or more crops are grown together randomly.
16. Monoculture A system in which a single crop is grown in a field during the growing season.
17. Multiple Cropping The production of two or more different crops in succession from the same piece of land in a year.
18. Polyculture Growing two or more crops together at the same time on the same piece of land; also known as intercropping.
19. Richness The number of species in an ecosystem or number of crops in an agroecosystem.
20. Riparian Buffer A strip of natural vegetation used to protect streams and other environments from adjacent agricultural areas.
Created by: ajalberts14937
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