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Intro to Prof Quiz 3

Teaching and Learning in PT

Reflection "examiing an expeirence that raises issues/concerns"
3 types of reflection 1. reflection-in-action (in moment), 2. reflection-on-action (what worked?), 3. reflection for action (what will you do next time?)
Reflection-in-action "requires 2 simultaneous levels." What are they? 1. Interacting with the pt, 2. Continually questioning and adjusting thoughts
Reflection-in-action Questioning/obsessing while interacting with pt
Reflection-on-action What worked? What didn't? Why?
Reflection for action What will you do differently next time? (anticipate problem)
Type of reflection: "How can I perform better as a physical therapist?" Reflection for action
Type of reflection: "Why didn't this treatment work?" Reflection-on-action
Content reflection consider perspective of everyone involved
Process reflection analyze situation to determine the best problem solving strategy
Premise reflection recognize your assumptions
"Self-reflection is important for self-____" assessment
4 activities that assist reflective process journals, threaded discussions (TDs), blogs, action learning
Steps of Clinical Reasoning and Reflection Tool (PT-CRT) (we might not need to know this) interview, generate hypothesis, examination, evaluation, plan of care, reexaminaiton, outcomes
Considerations for teaching: who is your audience? (learning style, experience, types of learners, what do they want to know?)
4 types of learners (Garmston and Wellman Classificaiton) Scientist, Professor, Friend, Inventor
Type of learner: Scientist WHY; Wants to know why he/she should pay attention (wants personal connection)
Type of learner: Professor WHAT; Wants to know what is important (wants objective info)
Type of learner: Friend SO WHAT; Want to know how the info is relevant to themselves
Type of learner: Inventor WHAT IF; Wants to know how he/she can creatively use/apply the info to their needs.
How to assess audience in PT setting interviews, questionnaires, med documents
Considerations for developing learner-centered behavioral objectives (as a PT) Begin with end in mind, make outcome-driven objectives (goals)
Bloom's 3 domains of learning cognitive, psychomotor, affective
Cognitive domain of learning develop knowledge + concepts (language-based)
Psychomotor domain of learning motor skills
Affective domain of learning development of attitudes, beliefs, and values
ABCD of writing objectives/goals A. Audience (who?), B. Behavior (what?), C. Condition (when/how?), D. Degree of mastery (how well?)
ABCD example of education objective The student will identify through palpation the sternal origin of the SCM muscle during lab on three separate classmates.
ABCD example of therapy goal The patient will jump forward 12 inches on command with a two foot take off and landing.
Individualism (cultural) values self-reliance/autonomy
Collectivism (cultural) values group effort/harmony
Equality vs hierarchy values egalitarianism vs values status/position
Monochronic vs polychronic time values scheduling (being prompt) vs values multitasking (being late = not as important)
Proxemics concepts of appropriate personal space
4 levels of cultural awareness Parochial (my way or nothing), Ethnocentrism (my culture is better), Synergistic (my culture = their cultures), Participatory (our way)
LEARN Model Listen (to pt perspective), Explain (your perspective), Acknowledge (differences), Recommend (plan of care), Negotiate (treatment/POC)
Modified Explanatory Model (ESFT) Explanatory (ID pt perception), Social/Financial (ID barriers), Fears/concerns (over illness/intervention), Treatment
Considerations for Hispanic American pts eye contact, polychronic (PT relationship > punctuality), informal, decisions made by eldest man of family
Considerations for African American pts open communication, spirituality, polychronic, respect, matriarchy, eye contact, personal space issues
Considerations for Asian American pts respect for elders + authority, passive learning style
Traditionalists value: conformity, hard work, authority; Challenges: do not like to buck the system
Baby Boomers value: youth, health, team oriented; challenges: judgemental, self-centered
Gen X'ers value: technology, informal; chalenges: skeptical, instant gratification
Gen Y'ers values: street smarts, diversity; challenges: bore easily
Teaching Elderly slow, clear voice, check for hearing/visual impairment
Created by: cbaweiss
Popular Physical Therapy sets




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