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Arthropometric measurements skinfold for assessment of fat; arm muscle circumference for amount of skeletal muscle
Marasmus 1) depleted fat and muscle stores; 2) normal biochem measurements; 3) intact immune status
Kwashiokor 1) normal or elevated fat and body weight; 2) abnormally low biochem measurements; 3) depressed immune status
Kwashiokor-Marasmus mix all depressed markers
biochem measurements albumin, prealbumin, transferrin
obesity 120% > IBW; Class I - 30-35; Class II 35-40; Class III - >40
Nutritional requirements in terms of kcal 25 kcal for patients with little stress; 30 kcal for infections, skeletal trauma; 35 kcal for major trauma; 40 kcal for burns
Caloric contribution of glucose 3.4 kcal/g
caloric contribute of fat 9 kcal/g
caloric contribution of protein 4 kcal/g; recommended is 0.8 g/kg/day; 1.0 g/kg/day for minor stress; 1.5 for major trauma/infection; 2.0 for severe head injury, sepsis, severe burn
nitrogen balance eqn nitrogen in - nitrogen out
nitrogen in amount of proteins in a day/6.25
nitrogen out measure of grams of urea excreted during 24 urine collection and adding a factor of 2 or 4g for insensible loses
sodium requirement 60-100
Cl- requirement 60-100
potassium requirement 60-100
calcium requirement 5-15
phosphorous 20-45
magnesium requirement 10-20
trace elements zinc, copper, chromium
Fat given as... 10% = 1.1 kcal/mL; 20% = 2 kcal/ml; 30% = 3 kcal/ml
dont exceed this dextrose rate 5 mg/kg/min
advantages of TNA decreased admin time; decreased touch contamination; decreased pharmacy prep time; decreased cost
disadvantages of TNA better media for bacterial growth; impossible to visualize particulate matter; can't filter with 0.22 micron filter; Ca++ and phosphate less compatible
advantages of central vein 1) maximize caloric intake; 2) can volume restrict patients; 3) long term cath maintained
disadvantages of central vein 1) mech complications; hyperosmolar complications (because hypertonic dextrose used); 3) septic catheter complications
Advantages of peripheral 1) easier to place; 2) acoid hyperosmolar complications because dilute concentration used
disadvantages of peripheral 1) high incidence of thrombophlebitis; 2) require vein rotation; 3) energy intake limited; 4) volume restriction not possible; 5) higher cost
Created by: cytoskeletor
Popular Pharmacology sets




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