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Test 5 [MUS-111-03]

Romantic Period

Romantic Years 1820-1900
Etude French for study; a STUDY piece focusing on a specific technique in performance designed to help a performer master specific technical difficulties
Verismo Realism quality of being; "TRUE TO LIFE"; Operas - Puccini's operas: Tosca
Nationalism Inclusion of folk songs, dances, legends, and other national material in a a composition to associate it with the COMPOSER'S HOMELAND
Most distinctive nationalistic music Arose in Russia where folk songs pervaded everyday; Russian 5 - MODEST MUSSORGSKY: PICTURES AT AN EXHIBITION (most original and greatest)
Program music INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC associated with a story, poem, idea, or scene; aim was to express; program - written explanation of the piece that enhanced understanding of the music
Growth of the orchestra (Composer) changing needs; gigantic works by Berlioz and Wagner that call for a huge number of performers, last for several hours, and were designed for large opera houses or concert halls--> increased power of brass, woodwind and percussion, added instruments
Growth of the orchestra (Venue) growing size of concert halls and opera houses
Music jobs other than composing *MUSIC CRITIC [Berlioz and Schumann]; *TOURING VIRTUOSO [Liszt]; *VIOLIN VIRTUOSO [Paganini]; *PIANO LESSONS [Chopin]; *CONDUCTOR [Mendelssohn and Mahler]; MUSICAL JOURNALISM
Piano in an Art Song composition for solo voice & piano; piano shares = interpretive task w/ voice; MOOD IS OFTEN SET by brief piano INTO & summed up by the POSTLUDE; Postlude: concluding section of an art song that sums up its mood, played by piano or orchestra w/o voice;
Art Song - The Erkling Piano's relentless TRIPLET RHYTHM unifies the song's episodes and suggests the GALLOPING HORSE; the piano part, with its RAPID OCTAVES and MENACING BASS MOTIVES, conveys the tension of the WILD RIDE
Felix Mendelssohn's international fame 1829 (age 20) conducted Bach's: St. Matthew Passion in its 1st performance since Bach's death; this historic concert REKINDLED interest in BACH'S MUSIC & earned him an international reputation; known as man who rekindled an interest in the music of Bach
Berlioz's inspiration for :Symphonie Fantastique IDEE FIXE that depicts his "ENDLESS AND UNQUENCHABLE PASSION" for actress HARRIET SMITHSON; Idee fixe: an idea or desire that dominates the mind; an obsession
Mussorgsky's inspiration for Pictures at an Exhibition Inspired by pictures in a MEMORIAL exhibit honoring Mussorgsky's recently DECEASED friend, the Russian architect and artist - VICTOR HARTMANN
Wagner's inspiration The composer who had an overwhelming influence on the young(age 15) Wagner was Ludwig van BEETHOVEN
Wagner's Opera house Beyreuth; Only Wagner's pieces performed; the king helped fund it
Chromatic harmony use of chords containing TONES NOT FOUND in the prevailing MAJOR or MINOR scale but included in the chromatic scale (12 tones); purpose was to ADD COLOR and MOTION
Harmony COLORFUL, rich & more unstable; explored NEW CHORDS and novel ways of using familiar chords; greater EMOTIONAL INTENSITY; dissonant chords were also used more frequently; wide variety of keys and rapid modulations from 1 key to another
Chopin's sound nationalism (Polish); exquisite MINIATURES; evokes VARIETY of MOODS; elegant & graceful
Chopin's sound (piano) unique melodic gift creates illusion that PIANO SINGS; use of RUBATO lends poetic & improvisatory quality to his work; adds delicate & graceful ORNAMENTAL TONES similar to vocal decorations heard in Italian opera; BLENDS harmonies like WASHES OF COLOR
Rubato slightly holding back or pressure forward of tempo to intensify the expression of the music
Created by: KierstyN_O13
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