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Hamdi v. Rumsfeld US Citizens can be detained as enemy combatants
Boumedine v. Bush US has ‘de facto sovereignty’ over Guantanamo Bay
Cohens v. Virginia Supreme court has supremacy even in state law criminal cases
Coyle v. Smith All states should be on “equal footing”
Baldwin v. Montana Fish and Game Commission Limits the power of the Privileges and Immunities clause
Dred Scott v. Sandford African Americans can’t be citizens, so can’t sue
New York v. US The “Take Title” provision exceeds Congress’s Commerce Clause authority
Printz v. US Federal Gov’t cannot draft State Police. Violations of “Unitary Executive Authority” are unconstitutional
Alden v. Maine Supreme court can’t require states to participate in civil suit
Tennessee v. Lane Congress can require states to make reasonable accommodations b/c of due process
The Civil Rights Cases Congress can’t use the 14th amendment to outlaw racial discrimination by private individuals & organizations
Jones v. Alfred H Mayer Company Congress can prohibit private acts of discrimination under the 13th amendment
Gibbons v. Ogden Power to regulate interstate commerce is vested in Congress by the Commerce Clause
US v. EC Knight Company The act of refining (sugar) was a local activity not subject to regulation by congress under interstate commerce
Hammer v. Dagenhart Child labor can’t be regulated under interstate commerce
National Labor Relations Board v. Jones and Laughlin Steel Corp Congress can regulate unions through interstate commerce b/c they’re closely related to interstate commerce
Wickard v. Filburn Cumulative effects test
Heart of Atlanta Motel v. US Commerce clause can be used to make private businesses to obey the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Garcia v. San Antonio Metro Transit Authority Congress can use the Commerce Clause to enforce minimum wage & overtime pay laws (overturns Usery)
US v. Lopez Congress can’t use commerce clause to regulate handgun carrying, b/c the carrying of handguns didn’t affect the economy on a large scale.
Gonzales v. Raich Congress can criminalize intrastate marijuana b/c cumulative effects on the interstate market (opportunity to overturn Filburn, but didn’t)
US v. Butler State authority to tax can’t be used to accomplish unconstitutional goals
US v. Kahriger States can tax gambling as long as the state collects revenue from the tax. The penalty is a tax in its effect. Tax on bookies didn’t violate the 5th amendment self-incrimination protection (later overturned)
South Dakota v. Dole Federal government has freedom of spending as long as spending power isn’t used for coercion
Arizona v. US When states and the federal gov’t make laws in the same area, fed laws are supreme
Cooley v. Board of Wardens Federal authority under interstate commerce isn’t absolute; states can exercise the authority in some situations
Southern Pacific v. Arizona States can’t make laws that cause a significant burden to interstate commerce
National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebalius Individual mandate was constitutional, Medicare expansion was unconstitutional
Created by: Curtlyn
Popular Law sets




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