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French Chapter 10
Basic Sports
French Term | English Definition |
Un Stade | Stands |
Des Gradins (masculin, plural) | Bleachers |
Un Spectateur | spectator |
Une Spectatrice | female spectator |
Un terrain | feild |
un match | match/game |
un joueur | male player |
une joueuse | female player |
une equipe | team |
le camp (adverse) | team (opposing) |
un arbitre | refferee |
un penalty | penalty |
le score | score |
jouer (a) | to play |
envoyer | to send |
renvoyer | to return |
passer | to pass |
egaliser | to tie |
gagner | to win |
perdre | to lose |
siffler | to whistle, to blow |
beaucoup de monde | a lot of people |
comble | packed |
plein | full/pregnant |
contre | against |
le foot(ball) | soccer |
un ballon | ball/balloon |
marquer un but | to score a goal |
un gardien de but | goalie (gaurdian of the goal) |
un coup | kick/hit/strike |
un coup de pied | kick/hit/strike of the foot |
un coup de tete | kick/hit/strike of the head |
un but | the goal |
bloquer | to block |
arreter | to stop |
le basket | basket ball |
un joueur (une joueuse) de basket | basket ball player |
un panier | basket (of any kind) |
un demi-cercle | top of the key/semi-circle |
dribbler | dribble |
lancer | to throw |
jusqu' a | up to/until |
reussir un beau panier | made a basket |
le volley | volleyball |
un filet | net |
le sol | court (ground) |
servir | to seerve |
devoir | to have to/must |
toucher | to touch |
par-dessus | over |
le cyclisme | cycling |
un velo/une bicyclette | bicycle |
un coureur clycliste | a racing cyclist |
une course | race |
rouler vite | to go fast |
boire | to drink |
l'athletisme (masculine) | track and field |
une piste | runway/track |
un coureur/une coureuse | runner |
un(e) gagnant(e) | winner |
recevoir | to recieve |
une coupe | a trophy |