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content vocabulary

latitude lines that measure distance north and south of the equator
longitude lines that measure distance east and west of the prime meridian
intermediate directions north, south, east , west
physical map shows the natural features of a part of earth's surface
political map shows countries, states, cities or other political divisions
scale shows the relative size of things on a map in comparison to the real place
globe model of the earth
equator imaginary line around the earth halfway between the poles at zero degrees latitude
hemisphere the two halves of the earth
prime meridian meridian at zero degrees which longitude is measured
delta land at the mouth of a river made of silt which the river has deposited
glacier a large sheet of ice that moves very slowy across land
island land completely surrounded by water
isthmus a narrow strip of land that connects two larger pieces of land and is bordered by water on both sides
lake a body of water completely surrounded by land
mountain a large landform with steep slopes
ocean a large body of salt water
river large stream of water that flows across land
strait narrow strip of water or channel that connects two larger bodies of water
tributary small river or stream that flows into a larger river or stream
peninsula a body of land mostly surrounded by water (3 sides)
plateau a high, flat landfrom that rises steeply above surrounding land
basin a low, bowl shaped landform surrounded by higher land
legend an explanation beneath a photograph
plain large area of flat land
archipelago a group of islands
bay a port of a sea, lake, or ocean that extends into the land
sea a body of water almost fully surrounded by land
gulf part of an ocean or sea that extends into land; larger than a bay
unitary central government has all the power to make laws and decisions for the people
confederation individual states make their own laws and decisions and are loosely aligned to a weak central government
federal power to make laws and decisions for the people is shared between the central government and the states
autocracy country or nation that is governed by a single person with unlimited power
oligarchy a country or nation controlled by a small group of people , usually blood related, that hold the power
democracy a country or nation that receives its power from the people who hold the key to the power
cartographer a map maker
nationalism the love of one's country
militarism using strong armies and threats of war
imperialism the extension by one country of its authority over other lands by political, military or economic means
communism describes a government that owns or controls most farms and businesses
facism a system of government characterized by dictatorship
genocide the planned killing of an entire race
armistice an agreement to stop fighting a war (unofficial end of WW1)
monotheism a belief in one god
standard of living economic level at which you live
literacy rate a person's ability to read or write to an acceptable level
presidential democracy democratic government when citizens elect members of the legislature and chief executive (president)
parliamentary democracy a democratic government where members of parliament are elected by the citizens who then choose the prime minister
constitutional monarch a government in which a king or queen is the head of state with little power, power is limited by the constitution
goods products that can be touched and purchased
services work that is performed by a producer and then paid for by a consumer
supply the amount of product available for sale
demand the desire of people to purchase a product
quota a number limit on imports; a type of trade barrier
tariff a tax (fee) on imports; a type of trade barrier
embargo refusing to trade with another country;
free trade when there are no trade barriers
import products purchased and shipped "in"
export products that are sold and shipped "out"
gross domestic product "gdp" the total dollar amount of all goods and services within a country in one year
human resources (human capital) the people who are needed to make products or perform work (one of the four factors of production)
natural resources the raw materials used to make a product (one of the four factors of production)
capital resources the machines, tools, and equipment a company must purchase in order to make their product (one of the four factors of production)
producing to make
distributing to ship (method of product delivery)
consuming to buy
opportunity cost the fact that you can only use one resource for one thing at a time
entrepreneur a person who starts his/her business, willing to take a risk
needs the things people must have in order to survive: food, water, shelter and clothing
wants the things people desire but do not need to have in order to survive
command economy an economy in which centralized planning groups decide what and how goods will be produced, distributed and consumed
market economy an economy in which changes in price guide what and how goods will be produced, distributed and consumed (no government involvement)
traditional economy an economy in which customs, values and habits of the past decide what and how goods and services are produced , distributed and consumed
operating cost the amount of money needed to run a business
scarcity a limited supply of goods etc...
revenue the total dollar amount a business generates during a year etc...
conquistador an officially sanctioned, but often privatly funded explorer in search of wealth
Mestizo One whose ancestors were both Europeans and Native American
Mulatto One whose ancestors were both European and African
Quipui a system of knotted strings to keep records for the Incan empire
Created by: sscase
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