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AP Government Ch. 11

Descriptive representation a belief that costituents are most effectively represented by legislatoprs who are similar to them in such key demographic characteristics as race ethnicity religion or gender
Racial gerymandering maximizing the chances of a minority will win an election
Pocket veto killing a bill in which the prez doesn't sign.
Standing committee a permanent congressional committee that specializes in a particular legislative area
joint committee a committe made of both house and senate
select committee a committee created for a specific pupose, temporary
Conference committee a temporary committee made to work out differences between the senate and house
Oversight watching over an agency to make sure plans are being carried out
Constituents people who live and vote in a government official's district
Trustee a rep. who is obligated to consider views of constituents
delegate a legi. whose responsibility is to reresent the majority view of his or her constituents, regardless of their own view
Parliamenary system a system in which the chief executive is the leader whose party holds the most seats in the legislature after an election
bicameral having two branches
committee chair leader of a committee
Authorization bill a bill AUTHORIZING the government to do something
appropriation bill a bill to allow the spending
omnibus bill a bill that covers multiple items, may be unrelated
Logrolling exchanging favors
Elastic clause Government may enact bills
Commerce clause bill allowing the interaction with commerce and other countries
Created by: FabioFrap
Popular American Government sets




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