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SAT Bootcamp [4]

Vocabulary for Week 4 of SAT Bootcamp

alchemy medieval chemical philosophy based on changing metal into gold
assonance repetition of vowel sounds in words for musical effect
augury prophecy, prediction of events
bimetalism use in currency of two metals whose value is fixed by law
demagogue rabble rouser, popular leader
despondent depressed; gloomy
ford to cross a body of water at a shallow place
hypocritical pretending to be virtuous; deceiving
invocation prayer, asking God's blessing
ordain to make someone a priest or minister; to order
perverse contrary, obstinate, willful
placid quiet, calm, unruffled
pluck to pull strings on musical instrument
schizophrenic a split or divided personality
stymie to block or thwart
supplicant one who asks humbly and earnestly
transitory short-lived, existing only briefly
trying difficult to deal with
vindictive spiteful, vengeful, unforgiving
wan sickly pale
arduous extremely difficult, laborious
ascribed attributed, assigned, alleged to belong to
cacophony unpleasant, harsh, discordant sound
caulk to make watertight
chastise to punish, discipline, scold
culpable blameworthy, deserving blame
egregious prominent, conspicuous for bad quality, outstanding
explicit clearly defined; specific; forthright in expression
facilitate make less difficult; to aid, assist
feisty excitable, easily drawn into quarrels
formulate to conceive, devise; to draft, plan; to express, state
hasten to hurry, to speed up
impound to seize and confine
ingenious inventive, clever, skilled, original
miserly stingy; mean
numismatics coin collecting
obdurate hard, unyielding, stubborn
prevaricator one who tells an untruth, liar
remission lessening, relaxation
verbatim word for word, in the exact words
aphasia inability to speak or use words
cognomen name, family name
conjure to evoke a spirit, cast a spell
constraint something that forces or compels; something which restrains or confines
contravene to contradict, deny, act contrary to
dispassionate calm; impartial; free from emotion; unbiased
forethought anticipation, foresight
grasp to perceive and understand; to hold securely
hinterland wilderness
impose to inflict, force upon
malapropism humorous misuse of a word
monograph written account on a single subject
novitiate state of being a beginner or novice
quiescence inactivity, stillness
satiate to satisfy
seraphic angelic, heavenly; pure; sublime
somnolent drowsy, sleepy; inducing sleep
spectrum radiant energies arranged in the order of their wave lengths so that when you observe all the colors of the rainbow are visible
treatise a systematic composition of dignity and length
zealot fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal; someone passionately devoted to a cause
ascertain to determine, discover, make certain of
beleaguer to harass, plague
curt abrupt, blunt
deplete reduce; exhaust
depraved corrupt, base, wicked
essence true substance, prime character
flammable combustible, being easily burned
fortuitous accidental, happening by chance or luck, fortunate
ignoble dishonorable, not noble in character
infamy reputation for bad deeds
ingenuous straightforward, open; naive and unsophisticated
nominal existing in name only, not in fact; negligible
nondescript lacking interesting or distinctive qualities; dull
pittance small portion, allowance, meager amount or wage
staid dignified, sober, sedate; self-restrained to the point of dullness
stalk to hunt, pursue
subside to sink, to fall, to become tranquil
trounce to beat severely, defeat
tyranny oppression; cruel government
votaries devoted followers, students, worshipers
captious tricky, faultfinding, ensnaring
chromatic of or pertaining to colors
conversant familiar with, able to talk on
dainty delicate, sweet
deleterious harmful
euphemism substitution of a mild or more pleasant term for a seemingly offensive or distasteful one
judicious sound in judgment; wise; sensible; showing good judgment
malign spoke evil of, defamed, slandered
paramount supreme, dominant, primary
pomposity self-important behavior; acting like a stuffed shirt
reserve self-control; care in expressing oneself
reverent respectful
seminal relating to the beginning or seeds of something
sententious abounding in sayings and maxims, very expressive or pithy; having a moralizing tone
sonorous producing a full, rich sound
sophist person good at arguing deviously
spasmodic jerky, intermittent, fitful
surly rude and bad-tempered
toady flatterer, hanger-on, yes-man
umbrage offense, resentment
belli, bell war ex. antebellum, bellicose, belligerent
cad, cas to fall, happen ex. cascade, decadent
cy state of being (noun suffix) ex. accuracy, democracy, obstinacy
ego self ex. egocentric
ex, e out, out of ex. evict, evoke, excerpt, excommunicate, expel
fall, fals to deceive ex. infallible, falsify
helio sun ex. heliocentric
inter between, among ex. intercept, interjection, international, intersect, intervene
ist dealer, doer (noun suffix) ex. artist
lig, lect choose, gather ex. eligible, elect, select
lig, li, ly bind ex. oblige, religion, liaison, ally
ped, pod foot ex. pedestrian, tripod
sem seed, sow ex. seminal, disseminate
spec, spect to look at, see ex. perspective, spectator
tang, tact, tag to touch ex. tangent, tangible, contact, contagious
tempor time ex. contemporary, temporary
Created by: alicewithlove
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