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Unit 5

Civil Rights

Thomas Jefferson declared that "all men are created equal". What did the U.S. interperete that statement to mean? A belief in political equality, legal equality, and equality of opportunity.
The Constitution or Bill of Rights never stated what important word? Equality
Reasonable classification Reasonable and feasable separation and denial to certain individuals and groups
Classification by race is inherently suspect, and therefore must pass a ____ _______ test. Strict scrutiny
What must classification by race be justified by? A "compelling public interest".
Dred Scott? (1857) Slave that sued for his freedom.
What was the decsion on Scott's case? He was defeated.
What was the rationale for Dred Scott's ruling? He was not considered a person due to his race and his work as a slave.
What were the three reconstruction amendments? 13, 14, 15
Thirteenth Amendment? Outlawed slavery and involuntary servitude.
Fourteenth Amendment? Equal Protection clause-Due Process clause-Made former slaves citizens.
Fifteenth Amendment? Gave African-American males the right to vote.
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) Lousiana law-seperate but equal accomodations for whites and blacks on railroad coaches.
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) Rationale? SCOTUS-Constitutional as long as "seperate but equal".
What were the main ways the African-Americans were discouraged from voting? Poll taxes, literacy tests, and white primaries.
Poll taxes? Required voters to pay before doing so.
Literacy tests? A difficult reading comprehension test required before voting.
White primary? Primary election only for whites.
In 1960, 29% of African Americans of voting age were registered in the south. What percent of whites were? 61%
What amendment prohibited poll taxes in federal elections? Twenty-Fourth
In what year did were poll taxes in state elections voided? 1966
What did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 do? It outlawed literacy tests and other similar discriminitory practices for A-A voters. Provided oversight over areas that had a history of discrimintory practices.
What is gerrymandering? Drawing district lines to favor the party of the drawers.
What is racial gerrymandering? Drawing district lines to either favor or harm minorities' chances in elections.
Shaw v. Reno (1993) SCOTUS-oddly shaped minority-majority districts would be held to scrict scrutiny under th Equal Protection Clause.
What did SCOTUS say should be presumed unconstitutional in drawing district lines? Use of race
Although women were considered citizens, what did they lack? Political rights
What were some examples of what women could not do? Divorce, sign contracts, or dispose of property.
The Supreme Court even broke what clause when speaking of women's rights? The Establishment Clause.
Women were also denied...? Educational and Career oprotunities
What happened at Seneca Falls? A convention that called for the abolition of all discriminitory practices against women.
Who organized Seneca Falls? Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucria Mott
What amendment guaranteed women the right to vote? Nineteenth
What did the ERA do? It guaranteed equal rights no matter what gender.
What happened to the ERA? It fell three states short of the three-fourths needed for ratification.
The Equal Pay Act of 1963 did what? Required employers to pay equal wages to both men and women.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 did what for women? Prohibited employment discrimination due to race or sex.
What organization was formed in 1966 by Betty Friedan? The National Organization for Women (NOW)
Reed v. Reed (1971) Law in Idaho automatically preferred the father over the mother for the acquisition of a deceased son's estate.
Reed v. Reed (1971) Ruling? Wife won; gender discrimination must be reasonable.
Title IX of the Education Act of 1972? Prohibits educational institutions that recieved federal funds form discriminating against female students.
What is Affirmative Action? An executive order issued by President Johnson in 1965 that required employers and unions that worked witht eh federal government to take action in hiring minorities.
What do supporters think of Aff.Act.? It makes up for past injustice and that more minorites and women in the workforce is an important goal.
What do critics think? Reverse discrimination, should promote equal opprotunity, not equal results.
Reverse discrimination? From discriminating a minority group to doing the same to a majority group, treating them as the minority was.
UOC v. Bakke (1978) Bakke(white) wanted in medical school, declined, found out that minorites were getting in with lower scores, sued.
UOC v. Bakke (1978) Ruling? Won, the school's quota system violated the fourteenth amendment.
LULAC? League of United Latin American Citizens-protects the rights of Latin American citizens.
FAPE? Free Appropriate Public Education
On average, how much does a woman earn for every dollar a man earns? $0.81
Created by: 1314ryanmartin
Popular American Government sets




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