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Photography Vocab

Vocabulary for photography worksheet

Pixel Short for "picture element”, these small little dots are what make up the images on a computer display. One pixel is equal to one dot of color.
Exposure Total amount of light allowed to fall on the film or sensor while taking a photograph.
Landscape Photograph that shows different spaces within the world usually in nature, cities, the country, etc. It can also be used described when a picture is taken the “long” way or horizontally.
Portrait Photograph of a person or group of people that displays the expression, personality, and mood of the subject. The focus of the photograph is usually the person's face, although the entire body and the background may be included.
Monochrome Photographs that are black and white or sepia. Sepia tones have a hue that resemble the effect of aging in old photographs (different shades of brown)
Macro Photography Close-up photography, usually of very small subjects. The size of the subject in the photo is usually greater than it’s actual life size. This might be a close-up of flowers, water droplets, someone’s eye, etc.
Aerial Photography The taking of photographs of the ground from an elevated or high position. Many times the camera is mounted on a flying object (plane, sky diver, etc.)
Dark Room A room that can be made completely dark to allow the processing of light sensitive photographic materials
Negative An image is projected onto unexposed film when light enters the camera and a picture is captured. When the film is developed, it is a long strip of small negative images.
Tri- Pod This object is used to steady and raise a camera, a flash of some kind, or other photographic equipment. It has three legs and a mounting head to attach the camera.
View Finder What the photographer looks through to compose and to focus the picture
Rule Of Thirds The “rule” where an image that you want to photograph should be imagined as divided into nine equal parts and that important points of focus in your photo should be placed along these lines or their intersections
Crop To trim the photo to the required size and composition (usually electronically)
Capture To catch it in everlasting form
Frame To carefully compose the photo through the viewfinder
Develope To create a “real” photograph from the negative
Composition Arranging elements within your photo in a way that best captures your subjects by either changing or positioning the subjects themselves or by changing the camera position. It guides the viewer’s eye towards the most important elements of the picture.
Candid An informal photo usually taken without the subject’s knowledge
Posed More a formal photo where they subjects are purposely arranged
Natural Light Light source in a photo from the sun / outside
Artificial Light A flash or indoor lighting / inside
JPG/JPEG The most common type of file for a digital photograph
Lens The light gathering device or part of a camera - allows you to focus on your subject
Subject The object of focus in your photo. It can be a person, animal, thing, etc.
Shutter A device that opens and closes to expose the “film” in a camera.
Created by: 1301306
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