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TSDE Final Exam

1st semester Final Exam Review

collaborate to work jointly with others or together especially in an intellectual endeavor
data information stored in the computer as numbers, letters, and special symbols
intellectual property the property (as an idea, invention, or process) that derives from the work of the mind or intellect
multimedia the combining of more than one type of media, such as text, sound, animation, and video
icon a graphical symbol used to represent a file, folder, or disk
import to load a file created by another program
menu a list of commands or options, especially one displayed on screen
public domain software written and then donated to the public; anyone can use and copy public domain software free of charge, but it is not always the same quality as commercial software
shortcuts keystrokes that enact the same commands available in the menus of a program; they are quicker and more direct, and usually involve two or three keys depressed simultaneously
select or highlight to choose part of a document by clicking and dragging over it with the mouse to highlight the text
toolbar (in a program with a graphical user interface) a strip of icons used to perform certain functions
telecommunication the act of sending and receiving information, such as data, text, pictures, voice, and video; the exchange of information can be within a building or around the globe
workstation an individual computer connected to a central computer and to other computers on a network
text formatting changing the appearance of the letters and words in your document (e.g. size, style, underline, bullets)
word processing using keyboarding skills to produce documents such as letters, reports, manuals, and newsletters
stylus a pen-like device used to input handwritten text or drawings directly into a computer or for input on a touch-sensitive monitor
surge protector electrical device inserted in a power line to protect equipment from sudden fluctuations in current
credits to give reference to the creator and source of the information used in a presentation
linear moving in a straight line or path; a multimedia presentation that moves in a straight line from image to image
browser the software application that allows you to view Internet pages
hypermedia a program that contains links to other media, such as audio, video, or graphics files
netiquette etiquette governing communications on the Internet
refine improve by making small changes; make more subtle and accurate
URL the address that defines the route to a file on the web or any other internet facility; Universal Resource Locator
server a computer or software package that provides a specific service to client software running on other computers
Created by: 18reynolds.amber
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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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