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Republicanism A form of government chosen by the people
Limited Government self-government certain powers granted by the constitution by elected representatives
Federalism system of gov't divided between the central authority and the constituent politics
Legislative Branch of the gov't Congress; Senate and House of Representatives
Executive Branch President,Vice President, Cabinet
Judicial Branch Supreme Court, and other Federal Courts
Powers of the Government Declare War, Negotiate treaties, Tax you, Print money, Establish a military, Manage Foreign affairs, Establish a postal system
May 1787 The Philadelphia Convention to improve upon the Articles of Confederation opens
September 1787 New Constitution is approved and sent to the states for ratification
Ratification A process by which the states can approve or make changes upon a law or constitution
December 1787 Delaware & NJ ratify constitution. Pennsylvania approves 46-23 but wants to add the Bill of Rights
January 1788 Georgia ratifies. Connecticut approves constitution
February 1788 Massachusetts ratifies by narrow margin and wants to add the Bill of Rights
April 1788 Maryland ratifies the constitution
May 1788 South Carolina Ratifies the constitution
June 1788 New Hampshire approves Constitution, North Carolina rejects the Constitution, in part because there is no Bill of Rights
November 1789 North Carolina ratifies the Constitution after Congress drafts the Bill of Rights
May 1790 Rhode Island ratifies the Constitution
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut Created by Thomas Hooker to establish self-government. The first written Constitution in America
Indentured Servant Not a slave, but someone who owes a debt and works it off by being a servant. Can be owned like a slave by a master
Southern Colonies Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia
New Jersey Founded by Lord John Berkel.ey and Sir George Carteret
Rhode Island Founded by Roger Williams for religious freedom
Massachusetts Founded by William Bradford, John Winthrop, and John Carver, religious freedom
Middle Colonies New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, Delaware.
Pennsylvania Founded by William Penn a Quaker leader for religious freedom. Against slavery and violence.
Pilgrims People who traveled to America to escape religious persecution, Puritans
Puritans Pilgrims who wanted to reform the Anglican church, also the Church of England
Thomas Hooker famous Puritan leader and one of the founding fathers of Connecticut.
Anne Hutchinson Helped establish Rhode Island. Persecuted for her outspoken religious beliefs
Great Migration The movement of more than 15,000 Puritans to Massachusetts for religious freedom
Meeting House A building where people went to vote and discuss politics and make decisions
Mayflower Compact People on the Mayflower sign an agreement when blown off course to abide by "just and equal laws" drafted by leaders of their own choosing.
Dutch People who were from the Netherlands
Duke of York The brother of King Charles II. Also established New York Colony
Proprietary Colony A colony in which the owner owned all the land and controlled the gov't.
Jamestown - 1607 First English Settlement.100 men and boys Captain John Smith,and James Oglethorpe.
Powhatan Indians Neighbors to Jamestown, Daughter of the Chief was Pocahontas. Helped the settlers survive.
Tobacco John Rolfe crossed Native American and English tobacco and was the biggest cash crop of Virginia. 1st crop was 1614
House Of Burgess 1619 colonists elected wealthy men to represent them in the 1st Legislative assembly in America
King James I Established the colonies 3 years after he became King. Granted a charter to the London Company. Established Jamestown and Plymouth
Plymouth 13 years after Jamestown, Plymouth was established on Cape Cod.
Squanto Wampanoag Indian who helped William Bradford and the Pilgrims survive by planting corn and other crops.
Thomas Jefferson Wrote the Declaration of Independence. 3rd President of the United States. Ambassador to France, Founder of University of Virginia
Sections of the Declaration of Independence 1. Preamble 2. Declaration of Natural Rights of the people. 3. Grievances. 4. Resolution to always be free
Declaration of Independence was written to? King George III
Self - evident Truths All men are created equal
Unalienable Rights Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
3 Grievances of the Declaration of Independence Quartering troops in houses, Tea Act, and Stamp Act.
Declaration of Independence adopted July 4, 1776.
Patrick Henry Give me liberty or give me death
Battle of Saratoga 1777 Turning point in the Revolutionary War because it convinced the French to support the Americans
Magna Carta written in 1215, signed by King John of England, and was used to help write the Constitution.
Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense, used in Constitution
Samuel Adams Leader of the Sons of Liberty, founding father, tinsmith,
Treaty of Paris 1783 Great Britain recognized the United States as an independent nation.
Sugar Act 1764 Taxes foreign Molasses
Stamp Act March 1765 Taxes printed material
Quartering Act 1765 March Requires colonists to house and feed British soldiers
Townshend Acts 1767 Taxes imported goods and tea, repealed April 1770 except for Tea tax
Boston Massacre March 1770 killed 5 people
Boston Tea Party 1773. Boston Harbor, Samuel Adams and Sons of Liberty disguised themselves as Indians and dumped Tea into the harbor
Coercive Acts 1774
Created by: itsmebaylor
Popular American Government sets




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