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lobes, lesions, dermatomes

Left hemisphere characteristics language, analytical, controlled, rational, positive emotions, slow/anxious, understand written and spoken language
Right hemisphere characteristics Nonverbal prcessing, artistic, comprehension, hand-eye coordination, kinesthetic awareness, negative emotions, quick/ impulsive
Frontal Lobe function voluntary movement Broca's Area: speech, concentration personality, temper, judgement, reasoning
Frontal Lobe impairment contralateral weakness, perseveration, personality change, expressive aphasia, emotional liability
Parietal Lobe function sensation (touch, temp, vibration, kinesthesia), received info, interprets language and words
Parietal Lobe impairment don't recognize severity of condition, impaired language comprehension, impaired taste,
Temporal Lobe function hear and smell, Wernicke's area (ability to understand and speak, emotions
Temporal Lobe impairment learning deficits, receptive aphasia, antisocial, difficulty facial recognition/ memory
Occipital Lobe function visual info, judgement of distances, colors/ lights/ shapes
Occipital Lobe impairment impaired reading/ writing, homonymous hemianopsia, can't recognize colors
Frontal Lobe lesion paralysis->apraxia lack judgement distractible, uninhibited loss of goal directed behaviors and executive functions
Parietal Lobe lesion sensory awareness/ interpretation/ perception poor motor planning, abnormal movement patterns
Temporal Lobe lesion short/ long term memory Wernicke's (L hemisphere) impair comprehension of spoken language
Occipital Lobe lesion visual deficits blindness
Anterior cerebral artery occlusion (B) occlusion= paraplegia incontinence personality changes
Middle cerebral artery occlusion (B) contralateral hemiplegia sensory impariment global, Wernicke's, Broca's aphasia
Posterior cerebral artery occlusion thalamic pain syndrone (abnormal sensation of touch, pain, temp, proprioception) cortical blindness
Ascending Tracts include ____ sensory in
Descending Tracts include ___ Motor out
Dermatome C1 vertex of skull
Dermatome C2 temple, forehead, occiput
Dermatome C3 Entire neck, posterior cheek, temporal area, prolongation forward under mandible
Dermatome C4 Shoulder area, clavicular area, upper scap area
Dermatome C5 deltoid area, anterior aspect entire arm to base of thumb
Dermatome C6 Anterior arm, radial side of hand to thumb and index finger
Dermatome C7 Lateral arm and forearm to index, long, and ring fingers
Dermatome C8 Merdial arm and forearm to long, ring, and little fingers
Dermatome T1 Medial side of forearm to base of little finger
Dermatome T2 Medial side of upper arm to medial elbow, pecs, midscap area
Dermatome T3-T12 T3-T6 upper thorax T5-T7 costal margin T8-T12 abs and L-spine region
Dermatome L1 back, over troch and groin
Dermatome L2 Back, front of thigh to knee
Dermatome L3 Back, upper butt, anterior thigh and knee, med lower leg
Dermatome L4 Medial butt, lat thigh, med leg, dorsum of foot, big toe
Dermatome L5 Butt, posterior/ lateral thigh, lateral aspect of leg, dorsum of foot, medial half of sole, 1st/2nd/3rd toes
Dermatome S1 Lateral and plantar foot
Dermatome S2 Butt, thigh and posterior leg
Dermatome S3 Groin, med thigh to knee
Dermatome S4 Perineum, genitals, lower sacrum
Created by: hgiertych
Popular Physical Therapy sets




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