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Characteristics of left hemisphere CVA weak/paralysis of R side frustration aphasia dysphagia motor apraxia decrease discimination R vs L
Characteristics of a right hemi CVA weak/ paralysis L side decreased attention span poor judgement/ awareness memory deficits left neglect emotional lability impulsive
Characteristics of a brainstem CVA unstable vitals decrease consciousness can't swallow weak on both sides paralysis on both sides
Characteristics of a cerebellum CVA decreased balance ataxia decreased coordination nystagmus decreased ability for postural adjustment
Primary risk factors for CVA HTN cardiac disease DM II Cigarettes TIA
Secondary risk factors for CVA obesity high cholesterol behaviors related to HTN (stress, salt) physical inactivity increase ETOH
MOI of Anterior Cord Syndrome SCI cervical flexion
MOI Brown-Sequard's Syndrome SCI (lateral cord) Stab wound
MOI Cauda Equina Injuries SCI an injury that occurs below the L1 level
MOI Central Cord Syndrome SCI cervical hyperextension
MOI Posterior Cord Syndrome SCI compressions of posterior spinal artery
Characteristics of Anterior Cord Syndrome loss of motor fxn pain/ temp loss below lesion due to damage of the corticospinal and spinothalamic tracts
Characteristics of Brown-Sequard's Syndrome paralysis loss of vibratory and position sense on same side as lesion (damage to corticospinal tract and dorsal columns) loss of pain and temp sens on opp side (damage of lateral spinothalamic tract)
Characteristics of Cauda equina injuries peripheral nerve injury flaccidity areflexia impairment of bowel and bladder
Characteristics of Central Cord Syndrome UE > LE involvement motor deficits > sensory
Characteristics of Posterior Cord Syndrome loss of pain perception loss of proprioception loss of 2 point discimination loss of stereognosis motor function preserved
ASIA A Complete: no sensory or motor function in sacral segments S4-5
ASIA B Sensory Incomplete: sensory preserved not motor below the neurological level extends S4-5
ASIA C Motor Incomplete: motor preserved below neurologic level, most key mm below <3
ASIA D Motor Incomplete: motor preserved below neurologic level, most key mm below <3
ASIA E Normal: sensory and motor functions normal
Potential complications with SCI DVT Ectopic Bone OH Pressure Ulcers Spasticity
Created by: hgiertych
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