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The chief composers associated with the early phase of modernism-- Debussy, Stravinsky,and Schoenberg-- were at the forefront of modernism in music, the __________ avant-garde
What is a way in which Stravinsky, early in his career, departed from the Romantic style? He used mechanistic rhythms (cold, without passion) as opposed to rubato
Which composer was sometimes called an impressionist and sometimes a symbolist? Stravinsky
All of the following characterize a modernist approach to melody except: the use of long, sweeping, lyrical melodies
Arnold Schoenberg's reference to "the emancipation of dissonance" meant emancipation from the need to: resolve to consonant chords
Atonal music is music in which no _________ can be heard tonal center
The staccato chords, repeated several times at the beginning of the fourth movement of Shostakovich'd String Quartet No. 8, are said by some to represent: The KGB knocking at the doors of artists and intellectuals in the middle of the night
The Romantic movement in literature first arose in: England and Germany
Who provided the Romantics with the ideal of the individual discovering his potential apart from the restrictions of civilization and was considered the ideological father of The French Revolution? Jean-Jaques Rousseau
Which describes the emotional goal of music in the nineteenth century? A search for freedom of individual emotional expression
Which is true of the Romantic composers such as Beethoven, Liszt, and Verdi? As rebels against the social order, they associated themselves with revolutionary and libertarian politics
Increasingly, the focal point for the performance of Romantic music was: The concert hall, including chamber music and Lieder recitals were performed in concert halls
Robert Schumann started a music magazine to defend the music of the Romantics, symbolized by ______ against those who were indifferent or willing to accept the musically predictable. This latter group was symbolized by __________ The biblical shepherd David; The Biblical Philistines
The musical term applied to flexibility in rhythm is: rubato
Which statement is false? Romantic harmonies were clearer and more diatonic, and they established a stronger sense of tonality than in earlier music periods
What is chromaticism? using all twelve notes of the scale liberally, though not necessarily departing from the underlying tonal context
Romantic treatment of tone color (timbre) included: combining and blending different instrumental tone colors in innovative ways
The first motive of Beethoven's SYmphony No. 5 in C Minor is determined by a repeated: motive
What do you hear in the recapitulation of the first movement of Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 in C Minor that is unusual for that form? an oboe cadenze
A surprise in the fourth movement of Symphony No. 5 in C Minor is: the appearance of the second theme of the scherzo movement before the recapitulation
From what condition did Beethoven suffer? deafness
Which best describes the early-nineteenth-century concept of the artist, as exemplified by Beethoven? an inspired soul who suffers to deliver art to humanity
Which genre is Beethoven most closely associated? symphony
Which musical characteristic of Beethoven's symphonies seems far from the Classical style of Mozart and Haydn? rhythmic drive
The scherzo, a fast, triple-meter movement, evolved from the ______ and means ________ minuet; "joke"
Music scholars divide Beethoven's music into ______ distinct style periods, these periods ________ three; progressing from Classical, heroic, to introspective
In his last style period, Beethoven composed mostly: symphonies and concertos
The form of "Erlkonig" is in ______ form. Its intro brings _______ to mind, and the singer portrays three characters: through-composed; the pounding of a horse's hooves, a father, a son, and a malevolent elf
Which is true of the ending of "Im wunderschonen Monat Mai"? The lack of harmonic resolution gives the impression of uncertainty and endless longing
Who is considered to be the earliest master of the lied? Schubert
A concert overture is ______, an example of which is _________: an overture not connected to any following music; Mendelssohn's Overture to A Midsummer Night's Dream
A program symphony is: A Romantic symphony that is based on a program or narrative
Which composer was one of the first composers in the West to be admired for his ability as an orchestrator? Berlioz
Chopin's Nocturne in F-sharp is a _______ and uses a technique typical of Chopin, which is __________: character piece; a decorated melodic line with moments of rubato
Which statement about character pieces is false? character pieces were always connected to novels and literature
"La donne e mobile" from Verdi's Rigoletto is a(n) _________ sung by __________: aria; the duke
At the end of "Un bel di" from _________, the orchestra: Puccini's Madame Butterfly; takes up the intensified melody to end the aria, showing its role in expressing the arias drama
In Verdi's operas the orchestra is often in fuller force in _______ and of a somewhat reduced, albeit expressive, presence in __________: recitatives; arias
A style of opera developed by early Italian Romantic composers -- most notably, Vincenzo Bellini, Gaetano Donizetti, and Gioacchino Rossini -- was called: bel canto
Unlike Romantic Italian opera, German Romantic opera: favored supernatural subject matter
What are three important elements of Wagner's operatic style? The concept of Gesamtkunstwerk, the use of the Leitmotiv, and the predominance of the orchestra in conveying drama
Leitmotivs are developed by means of thematic transformations
What important role does the orchestra generally play in Wagner's music dramas? By carrying the leitmotivs, it conveys the psychological depth of the characters and their feelings
Late Romantic operas labeled verismo expressed: more realistic tendencies, using contemporary middle- or lower-class characters
What characterizes Debussy's treatment of melody? fragmented themes and motives based on "exotic" scales
The rhythms and tempo of "The Game of Abduction" in Igor Stravinsky's, The Rite of Spring, seems to create a mood that is: violent, surging, and frantic
Arnold Schoenberg's 'Pierrot lunaire,' falls into which genre: __________. Its harmonic language is ___________, and it makes use of vocal technique known as _________: song cycle; atonal; Sprechstimme
Which is true of Charles Ives's "The Rockstrewn Hills Join in the People's Outdoor Meeting" from the Second Orchestral Set? themes are generally fragmented
The first phase of avant-garde music lasted from ________ and emerged in _________. 1890 to 1914 (WWI); Paris and Vienna
One of the devices used by Stravinsky in The Rite of Spring is: ostinato
A repeating figure that serves to unify worlds by composers such as Stravinsky and Debussy (and recalls a significant contribution to Wagner) is called a(n): Leitmotiv
Arnold Schoenberg invented a method that guarantees that no one pitch in the chromatic scale is more important than others. This method is called: the twelve-tone system (serialism)
Created by: sjones94



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