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100 Brand/Generic

PHAT 142

Aldactone SpironoLACTONE
Prinivil LisinoPRIL
Vasotec Enalapril
Ziac Bisoprolol + HCTZ
Lodine Etodalac
Voltaren Diclofenac
Clinoril Sulindac
Zantac Ranitidine
Pepcid Famotidine
Tagamet Cimetidine
Axid Nizatidine
Flexeril Cyclobenzaprine
Elavil Amitriptyline
Bumex BUMEtamide
Micronase Glyburide
Lanoxin DigOXIN
Inderal Propanolol
Tenormin Atenolol
Corgard Naldolol
Zarontin Ethosuximide
Aricept Donazepil
Bactrim TMX
Bonine Meclizine
Calan Verapamil
Cardizem DiltiaZEM
Effexor Venlafexine
Dolobid Diflunisal
Motrin Ibuprofen
Famvir FAMcicloVIR
Flagyl Metronidazole
Haldol HALOperidol
Ritalin Methylphenidate
Klonopin CLONazepam
Suprax Cefexime
Cefobid CEFOperazole
Fortaz cefTAZidime
Levaquin LEVOfloxacin
Ancef CEFazolin
Erythrocin ERYTHROmycin Stearate
Rocephin CEFtriaxone
Achromycin Tetracycline
Minocin MINOcycline
Declomycin DimeCLOcycline
Zithromax AZITHROMycin
Floxin oFLOXacin
Cipro CIPROfloxacin
Noroxin NORfloxacin
Pediazole Erythromycin + SulfaxaZOLE
Vibramycin Doxycycline
Negram Nalidixic Axid
Dynapen Dicloxacillin
Biaxin Clarithromycin
Tylenol #3 Acetaminophen + Codiene 30
Zoloft Sertraline
Depakote Valproic Acid
Cognex Tacrine
Depakane Divalproex Sodium
Copaxone Glatiramir
Artane Trihexiphenidyl
Axid Nizatidine
Demerol Meperidine
Darvocet N-100 Propoxyphene + Tylenol
Roxanol Solution Morphine Sulfate SOLUTION
Imitrex Sumatriptin Succinate
Vicodin Hydrocodone + Tylenol
MS Contin Morphine Sulfate
Percocet Oxycodone + APAP
Percodan Oxycodone + ASA
Stadol Butorphanol Tartrate
Talwin Pentazocine
Valium Diazepam
Dilaudid Hydromorphone
Innovar Fentanyl + Droperidol
Versed Midazolam
Ativan Lorazepam
Darvon HCL Propoxyphene HCL
Viagra Sildenafil
Tylenol #4 Acetaminophen + Codeine 60
Adderall Amphetamine Combination
Accurpril QuinaPRIL
Capoten CAPTOpril
Monopril FosinOPRIL
Lotensin Benazepril
Vasotec Enalapril
Prinivil LisinoPRIL
Minipress Prazosin
Tenormin Atenolol
Trandate Labetalol
Inderal Propanolol
Calan Verapamil
Adalat Nifedipine
Lopressor Metroprolol
Cardene NiCARDipine
Mevacor LoVAstatin
Esidrex HCTZ
Dilantin Phenytoin
Maxzide Triamterene + HCTZ
Betalol BETAxolol
Plendil Felodipine
Created by: lilmouseami
Popular Pharmacology sets




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