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When his son Ham saw him naked and drunk, he cursed Ham’s son Canaan and gave his land to Shem.
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Earthquakes, such as the 2004 one in the Indian Ocean, can cause these, as can volcanic eruptions and landslides, and they are often preceded by the recession of the ocean from beaches.
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When his son Ham saw him naked and drunk, he cursed Ham’s son Canaan and gave his land to Shem. Noah
Earthquakes, such as the 2004 one in the Indian Ocean, can cause these, as can volcanic eruptions and landslides, and they are often preceded by the recession of the ocean from beaches. tsunami
One of this author's works depicts Claggart, while another work depicts a character known for repeating the phrase “I would prefer not to. Herman Melville
name this British poet of “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.” Samuel Taylor Coleridge
This man, who ruled during the Bulavin Rebellion, accompanied his “Grand Embassy” in an alliance-making tour across Europe. Peter I
name this poet of "Annabel Lee" who wrote about the title creature repeating the word "nevermore" in "The Raven." Edgar Allen Poe
name this Roman general who was appointed dictator and later assassinated on the Ides of March by Brutus. Gaius Julius Caesar
Its diatomic form is released when sodium reacts with water. hydrogen
This home of composers John Cage and Samuel Barber is the setting for the ballets Rodeo (roh-DAY-oh) and Billy the Kid by Aaron Copland. United States of America
This quantity can be found by dividing the square of an objects momentum by twice its mass. kinetic energy
White settlers who anticipated an 1889 decision to open its lands to homesteaders gave this state its nickname: the Sooner State. Oklahoma
name this former leader of Libya. Muammar al-Gaddafi
At that party he meets the other title character, who is the cousin of Tybalt. Romeo and Juliet
His wife revived him after she and Nephthys (NEF-this) found thirteen of those pieces. After he was revived, this brother of Set fathered Horus. Osiris
The number 7 featured in the names of every vehicle used, including Friendship 7, flown by John Glenn, and Freedom 7, flown by Alan Shepard, the first American in space. Project Mercury
The title character of this novella lived on an asteroid the size of a house before catching a rose in a lie and becoming lonely. The Little Prince
his nation and Uzbekistan are the only double-landlocked countries in the world, and it is the wealthiest per capita German-speaking country. Liechtenstein
name this pest of Klickitat Street and friend of Howie Kemp, the younger sister of Beezus Quimby in a series of books by Beverly Cleary Ramona Quimby
Other practitioners of this art form include Phidias and Myron. Modern works of this type include Frederic Remington’s Bronco Buster sculpture
ame this type of art exemplified by Michelangelo’s Pieta and The Thinker by Auguste Rodin. sculpture
The Great Gatsby takes place in this city where Percy Jackson visits the Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York City
Created by: jaredlovering
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