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SAT words

abridge to make shorter
abstemious taking little food, drink, etc.
abstract theoretical
abstruse difficult to understand
accessible able to be reached easily
acclaim to applaud or welcome
acknowledge admit as being fact
adulation foolishly excessive praise
adversary an enemy
adversity misfortune
advocate supporter
aesthetic relating to the sense of beautiful
affable easy to talk to
affirmation stated positively and firmly
alleviate improve by lessening (pain)
aloof unfriendly
altruistic unselfish
ambiguous having more than one meaning
ambivalence uncertainty caused by wanting to do two opposite things
analogous similar in features
anarchist a person who promotes disorder against any established rule
anecdote short funny story
animosity strong dislike
antagonism opposition
antidote a medicine counteracting the effects of poison
antiquated old
apathy lack of interest
appease bring to a state of peace
arbitrary subject to individual judgment
archaic old
arrogance offensive display of self-importance
articulate good at speaking
artifact something that remains from the past
artisan a craftsperson
ascendancy domination
ascetic a person who lives a simple life
aspire aim ambitiously
astute shrewd
attribute consider as quality of the person
augment increase
austere something that isn't pleasurable
authoritarian a ruler who prefers order to freedom
autonomous things that function separately or independently
aversion intense dislike
belie contradict
benevolent kindhearted, generous
bolster offer support, strengthen
braggart a very boastful person
brevity shortness
cajole influence by flattering
calculated carefully thought out in advance
candor being honest
capricious unpredictable
censorious harshly critical
censure strong criticism
coercion making something happen by force
commemorate remember
compile gather together
complacency being satisfied with yourself
compliance surrendering power to another
composure calmness under stress
comprehensive including everything
concede acknowledge defeat
conciliatory compromising
concise expressing much in few words
concur agree
condone excuse
conflagration intensive and uncontrolled fire, inferno
confound confuse
consensus agreement in the judgement by a group
constraint restriction
contend maintain
contentious combative
contract an agreement between two ppl
conviction strong belief without need of proof
cordial warm and friendly
corroborate support with evidence
credulity trustfulness
criterion a standart
cryptic having a secret meaning
cursory without attention to detail
curtail slow down or stop entirely
decorum polite behavior
deference respect
degradation changing to a lower state
delineate define
denounce speak out against
deplore strong disapproval
depravity lack of morals
deprecate strong disapproval
deride treat with contempt
derivative the result of mathematical differentiation
despondent hopeless
detached separated
deterrent something immaterial that delays action or progress
detrimental harmful (to)
devious misleading
devise figure out a plan
diffuse spread out
Created by: laneta96
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