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Terminology chpt 1
Combining Forms
Term | Definition |
Acu/o | Sharp, Severe, Sudden |
Alimento/o | To Nourish |
Arteri/o | Artery |
Arthr/o | Joint |
Axill/o | Armpit |
Cardi/o | Heart |
Chem/o | Chemical, Drug |
Chron/o | Time |
Col/o, Colon/o | Large Intestine (colon) |
Costal/o, Cost/o | Rib |
Crin/o | Secrete |
Cutane/o | Skin |
Cyan/o | Blue |
Cyst/o | Urinary Bladder, Cyst |
Duct/o | To lead or carry |
Electr/o | Electricity |
Enter/o | Small Intestine |
Gastr/o | Stomach |
Glyc/o | Sugar |
Hem/o, Hemat/o | Blood (Whole blood, white, red, platelets) |
Hepat/o | Liver |
Hyster/o, Uter/o | Uterus |
Iatr/o | Treatment; physician (caused by treatment) |
Ili/o | Ilium (bone that is part of hip) |
Lapar/o | Abdomen |
Laryng/o | larynx (voice box) |
Leuk/o | White |
Lingu/o | Tongue |
Lumb/o | lower back |
Mast/o, Mamm/o | Mammary Glands |
Muc/o | Mucus (Mucus, stuff that comes out of nose. Mucous, description..mucus membrane. |
Muscul/o, My/o | Muscle |
Myel/o | Spinal Cord, Bone Marrow. |
Nephr/o | Kidney (disease process of of the organ itself) |
Oste/o | Bone |
Ovari/o | Ovary |
Phag/o | Eat, Swallow |
Ren/o | Kidney (pertaining to kidney usually the system) |
Rhin/o | Nose |
Scapul/o | Scapula |
Sect/o | To Cut |
Thry/o | Thyroid, Shield (by larynx, shaped like a shield) |
Ur/o, Urin/o | Urine, Urinary Tract |