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Francais II

Le Monde du Travail

les relations publiques public relations(f)
l'administration administration(f)
la gestion des entreprises corporate management
la recherche scientifique scientific research
l'industrie industry(f)
les telecommunications telecommunications
l'informatique data processing(f)
la sante et les professions medicales health and medical professions
le marketing marketing
l'ensiegnement teaching(m)
savoir to know, be knowledgeable
mecanicien(ne) mechanic
electricien(ne) electrician
plombier(-iere) plumber
professeur(e) professor
conseiller(-ere) pedagogique guidance counselor
chirurgien(ne) surgeon
psychiatre psychiatrist(f)
infirmier(-ere) nurse
assistant(e) dentaire dental assistant
kine physical therapist
medecin doctor(m)
cuisinier(iere) chef
gerant(e) d'hotel hotel manager
interprete interpreter
guide guide
comptable accountant
technicien(ne) technician
informaticien(ne) data processing specialist
chercheur(-euse) researcher
chef d'entreprise, patron(ne) company head, boss
le salaire salary
les debouches openings (job)
de chomage unemployment
conges payes paid vacation
assurances insurance
retraite retirement
horaires schedules
jours feries legal holidays
les filieres networks
l'epanouissement personnel personal growth
pouvoir can, may, to be able
vouloir to want, wish
devoir to have to, must, to owe
agence agency, branch, office(f)
apprentissage apprenticeship(m)
aptitude aptitude(f)
avis opinion(m)
client(e) customer
condition condition(f)
connaissance knowledge(f)
cursus course, program(m)
diplome diploma(m)
emploi job, employment(m)
enseignement teaching(m)
entreprise firm, company(f)
entretien d'embauche job interview(m)
epoque time, era(f)
equilibre equilibrium, balance(m)
espoire hope(m)
etude study(f)
formation training(f)
greve strike(f)
journee day(f)
lecon lesson(f)
lien link, connection(m)
liste list(f)
maitrise master's degree(f)
oral spoken language(m)
patron(ne) boss
possibilite possibility(f)
poste job, position(m)
rapport report(m)
recherche research(f)
regret regret(m)
rendez-vous appointment(m)
responsabilite responsibility(f)
reunion meeting(f)
reve dream(m)
solution solution(f)
stage training period, internship(m)
succes success(m)
vente selling, sale, marketing(f)
village village(m)
embauche to be hired
mi-temps part-time
plein temps full time
malheureusement unfortunately
abandonner to abandon
accompagner to accompany
acquerir to aquire
aider to help
apporter to bring
avoir des connaissances to be knowledgeable
compter to count
consacrer to dedicate, give
creer to create
decider to decide
embaucher to hire
emprunter to borrow
enseigner to teach
etablir to establish
exiger to require, demand
faciliter to facilitate
fallior to have to, must
flatter to flatter
offrir to offer
proposer to propose
realiser to achieve
remercier to thank
repousser to delay, put off
respecter to respect
suffire to be sufficient, to suffice
debrouillard(e) resourceful
diplome(e) having a degree
dur(e) hard
dynamique dynamic
eleve(e) high
entier(-iere) entire
gros(se) large, big
occupe(e) busy
prive(e) private
propre own
seul(e) alone, only
studieux(-euse) studious
superieure(e) advanced
au cours de during
cela that
contre against
d'abord first
devant in front of, forward
en rapport avec in relation to, consistent with
entre between
il faut it's necessary, to have to
il ne faut pas one must not
il vaudrait mieux it would be better
il vaut mieux it is better
inutile de no need to
malgre despite, in spite of
parmi among
regulierement regularly
sois chic be a sport, be nice
sous under
tout le monde everyone
tellement so much
Created by: flybird92
Popular French sets




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