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Gathering Blue

These are important words in the book Gathering Blue By Louis Lowery

Section I Section I
Tykes Young person of ether sex. Exfb. So she and the others can make a pen for there TYKES' like they wanted. pg.53
Beast A cruelly rapacious person. Exfb. Have you seen BEAST?
Council A body serving as an administrative capacity. Exfb. The COUNCIL of guardians was listening carefully. pg. 27
Singer A person who sings. Exfb. Rumor has it that the SINGER, whose only job in the village is the yearly presentation of the song. pg. 21
Orphan A child who has lost both parents. Exfb. The accused ORPHAN girl Kira is here.
Section II Section II
Resonating Echoing vibrant deep in sound. Exfb. I could not find the exfb so i made one up. Ex. The church bells were resonating through town.
Ruefully A saddened state. Exfb I couldn't find the exfb so I made one up Ex. I RUEFULLY tried to find this word in the book.
Madder A plant used to make red dye. Exfb. MADDER for red.
Gnarled Twisted in a knot form. Exfb. I couldn't find an exfb for this word so I made one up. Ex. The GNARLED roses were a hot mess.
Triumphant Feeling thrilled about winning. Exfb. I couldn't find the exfb for this word so I made one up. Ex. I felt TRIUMPHANT after my first place dance performance.
Section III Section III
Dubiously wavering or hesitating in opinion; inclined to doubt. Exfb. "Cats?" Thomas reapeted DUBIOUSLY. Pg. 120
Draggers a person or thing that drags. Exfb. "She not be expecting nobody. She be gone to the Field right when the sun be coming up. DRAGGERS tooken her. I seen it." Pg 133
Captive managed as an affiliate or subsidiary of a corporation and operated almost exclusively for the use or needs of the parent corporation rather than independently for the general public. Exfb. You were held CAPTIVE? Pg 122
Sobbing To weep with a convulsive catching of the breath. Exfb. She was crying. SOBBING. She wanted her mum, she said. Pg. 145
Uncomplaining Accepting, doing, or dealing with something difficult or unpleasant without complaining. Exfb. Thomas, UNCOMPLAINING though he was, had mentioned the headaches that afflicted him after hours of work.
Exfb. Example From Book
Created by: Caroline :-)
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