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Spanish Vocab
All Spanish Vocab
Question | Answer |
poner | to put |
traer | to bring |
dar | to give |
pensar | to think/to plan |
decir | to say/to tell |
perder | to lose/to waste time |
conseguir | to get/to obtain |
volver | to return |
encontrar | to meet/to find |
cerrar | to close |
abrir | to open |
sentir | to feel |
poder | to be able to |
mentir | to lie |
sentar | to sit |
empezar | to begin |
desayunar | to eat breakfast |
almorzar | to eat lunch |
cenar | to eat dinner |
esperar | to hope/wait for |
recordar | to remember |
demostrar | to show |
mostrar | to show |
despedirse | to say goodbye |
impedir | to prevent |
llovar | to rain |
tronar | to thunder |
hacer | to do/to make |
equivocarse | to be mistaken |
saber | to know |
conocer | to know |
nevar | to snow |
Hacer un mandado | to run an errand |
Hacer la cama | to make the bed |
Hacer las maletas | to pack bags |
Hacer la visita | to make (pay) a visit |
Hacer un viaje | to take a trip |
Hacer las compras | to go shopping (grocery) |
Hacer la tarea/los deberes | to do homework |
Liviano | light (weight) |
Pesado | heavy (weight) |
Viejo/Antiguo | old |
Nuevo | new |
Facil | easy |
Dificil | difficult |
Duro | hard |
Suave | smoth/soft |
Breve | brief/short |
Hace calor | it's hot |
Hace sol | it's sunny |
Hace buen tiempo | it's good weather |
¿Que tiempo hace? | Hows the weather? |
Lloviznar | it's drizzling |
Esta despejado | it's clear (cloudless) |
Hay nubes | There are clouds |
Esta humido | it's humid |
Hay granizo | there's hail |
Hay niebla | Fog or mist |
Hay neblina | mist |
trabajador | hard worker |
casado | married |
soltero | single |
valiente | brave |
adventuroso | adventurous |
perezoso/flojo | lazy |
el equipo | the team |
el partido | the game |
el videojuego | the videogame |
el jugete | the toy(s) |
la cara | the face |
los ojos | the eyes |
los odios/las erajas | the ears |
la boca | the mouth |
los labios | the lips |
los dientes | the teeth |
la lengua | the tongue |
la nariz | the nose |
la frente | the forehead |
la cabeza | the head |
el cuello | the neck |
la garganta | the throat |
el hombro | the shoulders |
el pecho | the chest |
el estomago | the stomach |
el brazo | the arm |
el codo | the elbow |
la muneca | the wrist |
la mano | the hand |
los dedos | the fingers |
las unas | fingernails |
la pierna | the leg |
la rodilla | the knee |
el tobillo | the ankle |
el pie | the foot |
el cabello/pelo | the hair |
la espalda | the back |
pagar | to pay |
sacar | to take out |
abrazar | to hug |
ayer | yesterday |
anonche | last night |
el ano pasado | last year |
la semana pasada | last week |
el sabado pasado | last saturday |
el mes pasado | last month |