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Chapter 1 Defintions

stakeholder individual or group that has a direct or vested interest in the activities of an organisation
organisation two or more people who work together in a structured way to achieve a specific goal or set of goals
decision making a multi-step approach whereby a selection is made between a range of different alternatives
networking using connections gained through business, sport, school and other activities
formal structure the official division of responsibilities, authority, task and lines of communication within an organisation
informal structure actual happenings in an organisation in relation to division of responsibilities, authority, tasks and lines of communication as opposed to what is formally stated
asset something that is owned or controlled by a business that is of monetary value
strategic planning long term (2 - 5 years) planning undertaken by senior management to achieve corporate objectives
corporate objectives long term objectives of the organisation which provide focus and direction
human resources the employees of an organisation, referred to as the most important asset
organisational chart diagram showing the liens of authority and levels of hierarchy in an organisation; defines relationships between people in an organisation
synergy working together to achieve a common goal; the sum of all parts is greater than the individual parts
chain of command the vertical line of authority that passes command down through the levels of an organisation's hierarchy
chief executive officer the most senior management position in an organisation
hierarchical structure different levels of management and staff, with higher levels exercising greater authority and control
decentralisation power and decision making authority are delegated from the head office to lower levels down the hierarchy
specialisation concentration on one specific part of the production process
open market economy an economy that operates freely without government intervention; the market is driven by the forces of supply and demand
multinational corporation a business that has its head office in one country, but operates in other countries as well
joint venture the setting up of a business enterprise by two or more business to achieve a particular venture
takeover the means by which an organisation becomes larger by purchasing a controlling share (at least 50.1%) in another business
merger an agreement between two or more organisations to join together to form one united business
demerger a company spins off some business it owns to form a completely separate company. The opposition of acquisition
diversification the process of entering new markets and/or developing new products
dual-listed company a structure that occurs when two companies merge but retain their original listing on two stock exchanges
dividend a portion of the net profit paid to shareholders
public sector part of the economy that is operated by the government
private sector part of the economy operated by private individuals and companies, either private (PTY LTD) or public (LTD)
government business enterprise (GBE) a business that is government owned and operated; GBEs seek to run profitably by controlling costs and selling their goods and service sat a price to cover costs
corporatisation government business are incorporated, given a corporate identity and are run along the lines of companies, requiring them to be fully accountable for expenditure, pay tax, seek profit maximisation and increase efficiency
privatisation the process of selling a public sector business to the private sector
objectives targets or outcomes that an organisation aims to achieve
SMART principle outlines that goals/objectives must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound
mission statement a global statement that reflects an organisation's reason for being or purpose and the way in which it will be managed
vision statement a statement that outlines the aspirations of the organisation
values statement a statement that outlines what the organisation sees as its corporate vcalues
strategic objectives important long-term (2-5 years) of an organisation; established for a entire organisation by its senior management
tactical objectives mdeium term objectives (1 - 2 years) established by departmental managers for their area of responsibility
operational objectives objectives established by front-line managers for their work team or area of responsibility with a daily, weekly or monthly time span
financial objectives objectives relating to the financial performance of an organisation
service objectives an organisation's desire to provide a stated service either to its clients/customers or to the community at large
social objectives objectives relating to the level of participation in and contribution towards the community/society
environmental objectives objectives relating to an organisation's use of resources and degree of environmental impact
strategy a plan of action that aims to achieve a specific objective
performance indicators (PIs) a set of measure that help a company determine whether it is reaching its performance and operational objectives
hierarchy of objectives the aims and objectives of an organisation placed in descending order of importance
management the process of planning, organising,leading and controlling the work of subordinates to achieve organisational objectives
capital funds invested in a business, which form one of the main inputs for the production process
gross domestic product (GDP) the total value of output produced in a country in one year
downsizing a reduction in a company's workforce through elimination of jobs, generally made to improve an organisation's profit
outsourcing process of using another business to undertake some task or work process
balance of payments annual record of Australian trade and financial transactions (export/import)with the rest of the world
infrastructure physical resources of an area (e.g. power, transport, utility services, that benefit the entire community
Created by: johnmartinez
Popular Business sets




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