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NPTE Neuro 3
Tract | Function |
Fasciculus cuneatus (Posterior or dorsal column) | Ascending. Sensory tract for trunk, neck, and UE. Proprioception, vibration, 2 pt discrimination, and graphesthesia |
Fasciculus gracilis (posterior or dorsal column) | Ascending. Sensory. Trunk and LE proprioception, 2 pt discrim, vibration, and graphesthesia |
Spinocerebellar tract (dorsal) | Ascending. Sensory. Ipsilateral subconcious proprioception, tension in muscles, joint sense, and posture of the trunk and lower extremities |
Spinocerebellar tract (ventral) | Ascending. Sensory. Ipsilateral subconcious proprioception, tension in muscles, joint sense, and posture of the trunk and LEs. Some fibers crossing with subsequent recrossing at the level of the pons. |
Spino-olivary tract | Ascending. Cutaneous and proprioceptive organs. |
Spinoreticular tract (the afferent pathway for the reticular formation) | Ascending. Levels of conciousness. |
Spinotectal tract | Ascending. Ascending. Sensory. Spinovisual reflexes and assists with movement of eyes and head towards a stimulus |
Spinothalamic tract (anterior) | Ascending. Sensory tract. Light touch and pressure |
Spinothalamic tract (lateral) | Ascending. Sensory. Pain and temperature. |
Corticospinal tract (anterior) (Pyramidal motor tract) | Descending. Ipsilateral voluntary, discrete, and skilled movements. |
Corticospinal tract (lateral) (Pyramidal motor tract) | Descending. Contralateral voluntary fine movement. (Damage= positive Babinski sign) |
Reticulospinal tract (Extrapyramidal motor tract) | Descending. Facilitation or inhibition of voluntary and reflex activity through influence on alpha and gamma motor neurons |
Rubrospinal tract (Extrapyramidal motor tract) | Descending. Motor input of gross postural tone, fascilitating activity of flexor muscles, and inhibiting the activity of extensor muscles |
Tectospinal tract (Extrapyramidal motor tract) | Descending. Contralateral postural muscle tone associated with auditory/visual stimuli |
Vestibulospinal tract (Extrapyramidal motor tract) | Descending. Ipsilateral gross postural adjustments subsequent to head movements, facilitating activity of extensor muscles and inhibiting activity of flexor muscles (Damage= paralysis, hypertonicity) |