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N Prob of N Pt


memory involves mental process that allow people to store experiences & perception of those experiences & ability to recall
perseveration involuntary persistence of same verbal or motor response regardless of stimulation
orientation knowledge of present circumstance- oriented x4- person, place, time & situation
affect/emotional disinhibition/lability crying for no reason
who treats behavior problems typically psychologists, education specialists in school setting, speech language pathologists
aphasia impairment of speech-either spoken or understanding- use simple gestures- brain not getting it together
agraphia inability to write
alexia inability to read
dysarthria impairment of speech production-mechanical dysfunction- like respiratory
UMNL upper mother neuron lesion-CNS damage
hypertonus increased tone, tension
hypotonus/flaccid decreased tone/no tone
spasticity increased tone, distribution varies/damage to motor cortex &/or primary motor pathway &/or anterior lateral corticospinal tract
spasticity (clinical) clasp knife phenomenon (response to quick stretch initial resistance, then release. /velocity dependent (resistance to quick stretch based on speed) /will have + clonus & babinski (with babinski-brain damage) /increased DTR's
rigidity total body co-concnetric high tone
rigidity- damage to brainstem decorticate (when UE are flexed, LE are ext) /decerebrate (UE & LE both ext)
rigidity- damage to basal ganglia leadpipe (cocontraction, constant resistance to PROM in any direction-you can't get any stretching)/ cogwheel(may have ratchet type situation-rigid, then let go)
rigidity DTR's there will be an increase or decrease in all the DTR's in the body
hypotonus/flaccid damage in cerebellum, DTR's decrease or no response-mvmt slow or weak or none
LMNL it would be in ant horn cell. if it's incomplete you will have some weak response in mm. if complete, no response or movement
perception where pt may have difficulty interpreting or identifying incoming info or stimuli- need intact sensation & memory
body image visual or mental, to where body parts are in space or in relation to other parts
spacial depth, distance (patterns on floor can be a problem)
agnosia inability to recognize incoming info w/ sight, sound or touch
apraxia impaired motor planning- don't know how to move body to complete task
who treats perception problems? OT and/or psychologist
ataxia clumsiness (kind of flailing uncoordinated pattern)
balance ability to maintain COG over BOS
4 dev reflexes/reactions that are reflexive background for balance 1)labrynthine righting 2) optimal righting 3)protective ext & 4) equilibrium reactions
functional problems bed mob, transfers, ADL, mobility, in community or occupational setting
RAM rapid alternating movements
coordination tests with RAM finger to nose, finger to the therapists finger, finger opposition, mass grasp, pronation/supination, tapping (hand), tapping (foot), toe to examiners finger, heel on shin
development may take days, months or years
control person, task, environment-instant once learned
motor learning permanent changes in motor performance as result of practice or experience- functional connection of control & development
Created by: jessigirrl4
Popular Physical Therapy sets




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