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O Balance/Coord


____ out of 5 hip fx pt dies w/in yr of injury 1
common causes of balance impairment injury, surgery, immobilization, sedentary lifestyle, normal aging, TBI, CVA, Parkinson, BBPV(Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo)
COG in adult just anterior to S2
BOS perimeter of contact
LOS sway boundary
dynamic balance stability during movement
static balance stability at rest
sensory systems and balance control visual system, somatosensory system, vestibular system
vision position of head in space, head movements are compared to visual perception (VOR)
somatosensory proprioceptors such as mm spindles & GTO's, joint receptors (Ruffini receptors and Pacinian corpuscles), mechanoreceptors in skin
vestibular system receptors in the inner ear detect acceleration and head movement when the pull of gravity is compared to motion of head, associated with CN 8
sensory integration term used to describe the accurate processing and evaluation of all sensory data to develop an integrated unconscious perception of balance
error/conflicts between the sensory systems result in... dizziness, disorientation and loss of balance and falls
visual system can... compensate for nearly any vestibular or somatosensory disorder
3 systems for controlling balance reflex, automatic, voluntary
reflex stretch reflexes in spinal cord- a very fast system
automatic brain stem elicits posture mm control- longer loop involves delay- delay may be long enough to result in fall
voluntary purposeful movements-very slow- almost never quick enough to stop a fall (120 ms)
motor strategies for balance control ankle, hip, stepping
ankle strategy (anteroposterior plane)- small perturbations
hip strategy larger perturbations
stepping strategy large forces displaces stability
health and environmental factors low vision, sensory loss, medications
exam & eval of impaired balance TUG, functional reach test, Tinettis, Berg, perturbation test, Romberg
TUG timed up and go test- ask pt to quickly get up, walk 12 ft, turn and return to chair. graded in seconds
functional reach stand & reach fwd. measure excursion of hand. should be about 13 in on men and 11 in on women
normal balance grade 5-pt maintains position with therapist maximally disturbing balance. can shift weight in all directions
good balance grade 4-pt maintains balance with moderate disturbance. can shift wt but limitations are evident
fair balance grade 3-pt maintains balance for short periods unsupported. unable to sit on unlevel surface. cannot be left unattended. cannot shift weight or tolerate challenge
poor balance grade 2-pt needs assistance to maintain sitting. will fall over.
zero balance grade 1-pt requires max support to maintain balance
BAPS biomechanical ankle platform system
high level drills-agility double-leg squats, fwd/bwd gait, sidestepping, heel-to-toe walking, braiding steps, hopping, minitramp, hip, knee, or ankle injury, single-leg or double-leg standing or hopping with eyes closed
Created by: jessigirrl4
Popular Physical Therapy sets




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