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Phys Quiz 2

The membrane of a nerve cell is comprised of a. protein molecules. b vesicle remnants. c. a double layer of lipid molecules. d. cytoplasm. e. a single layer of lipid molecules interfaced with a layer of protein molecules. a double layer of lipid molecules
Match internal cell structure with function : a. nucleolus; production of cytoplasm b. ribosomes; production of DNA c. lipid bilayer; production of ribosomes d. nucleolus; production of ribosomes e. mRNA; production of cytoplasm nucleolus; production of ribosomes
Proteins are produced within the neuron cytoplasm by a. mitochondria b. ribosomes. c. lysosomes. d. the cytoskeleton. e. nucleoli. ribosomes
Movement of cargo from one end of the axon to the other involves _______ along the _______ . e. axoplasmic transport; microtubules
The function of a _______ in a giant squid physiology experiment is to _______. d. voltmeter; compare the electric charge of the interior with that of the exterior
The interior of a neuron at rest d. is negatively charged relative to the outside.
The _______ potential is defined as the difference in electrical charge between the inside and the outside of an undisturbed axon membrane. a. resting membrane b. local c. resting d. action e. axon resting
A change in the axon membrane potential from -70 mV to -90 mV would be termed a(n) a. depolarization. b. threshold potential. c. action potential. d. hyperpolarization. hyperpolarization
A(n) _______ will be recorded from a nerve cell whose membrane potential rises above threshold. action potential
Which of the following is true of ion distribution across the axon membrane? Sodium ions are more concentrated outside the axon membrane.
As a consequence of the activity of the sodium-potassium transporters, intracellular sodium concentrations are kept low.
In a well myelinated axon, ions can enter and leave the axonal membrane only at the nodes of Ranvier.
During an EPSP (excitatory postsynaptic potential) sodium enters the cell
During an IPSP (inhibitory postsynaptic potential) chloride enters the cell
What ion plays the most essential role in releasing a transmitter into the synapse? calcium
Large synaptic vesicles are produced in the ____ and are transported to the _____ soma; terminal buttons
An influx of chloride into the neuron would Make the resting potential more negative
The contents of a synaptic vesicle include: neurotransmitters
The catecholamines (NE,DA, and E) are synthesized from which amino acid? Tyrosine
The cell bodies of neurons that release serotonin are located in the Raphe
Drugs of reward generally act to release ____ in the ____ DOpamine, nucleus accumbens
Ionotropic receptors: change in shape when neurotransmitters bind to them.
A neuron's own transmitters, detected by its presynaptic autoreceptors, D. inhibits the release or synthesis of that transmitter
A second messenger system can: All of the above- A) alter ion flow through the membrane channels. and.B) and C) initiate the production of new proteins.
The first demonstration that neurons communicated via chemical means was by Otto Loewi
Adrenalin refers to A. A transmitter released from the adrenal gland
Morphine inhibits pain awareness by blocking MAO actions
Nitric oxide is involved in which drug action viagra
_____ is the transmitter that slows heart rate and activates skeletal muscles Acetylocholine
Opioid peptides include which of the following? Enkephalins
Which mechanism related to the stimulation of an action potential doesn’t belong? Chloride channels open
Cholinergic refers to which transmitter? Acetylcholine
Which of the following is/are monoamines? A. Serotonin B. Dopamine C. Norepinephrine D. All of the above A. Serotonin B. Dopamine C. Norepinephrine *D. All of the above
Serotonin is synthesized from ________ which is derived from ________. Tryptophan, ingested nutrients
Which of the following is true of opioid neurons? A)Naloxone is an example of an opioid receptor antagonist.B)Heroin is an example of an opioid receptor agonist. C)Opioids act to reducepain. D)Opioids can induce euphoria and reward. *E)All of the above are correct.
Activation of cannabinoid receptors A)by THC reduces nausea and vomiting. B)results in analgesia. C)can be induced by ingestion of THC. D) stimulates appetite. E)All of the above are correct.
Drugs that block the reuptake of serotonin or that cause the release of serotonin are used therapeutically to treat Drugs that block the reuptake of serotonin or that cause the release of serotonin are used therapeutically to treat A)anxiety. B)obsessive-compulsive disorder. C)depression. D)obesity. E)All of the above are correct.
Match drugs and effects a)alcohol _E__ inhibits DA reutake b)amphetamne __C_ a serotonin agonist c)LSD __B_ releases DA into the synapse d)valium __A_ disrupts the organization the cell mebrane e)ritalin __D_ increases influx of chloride
Peak blood levels of cocaine were found to 100 nanograms/milliliter (ng/ml). Thirty minutes later, they were 75 ng/ml, 60 minutes later they were 62.5 ng/ml. and 120 minutes later they were 50 ng/ml. The half-life ___ 120 minutes
The first generation of antidepressants developed acted to inhibit the action of monoamine oxidase
A key characteristic of a drug, as defined in the text, is that it is an exogenous chemical
________ refers to the process by which drugs are absorbed, distributed within the body, metabolized, and then excreted from the body. Pharmacokinetics
An important drawback to the ________ route is the high likelihood of accidental overdose. intravenous
The ________ route of drug administration is commonly used for small laboratory animals such as the rat. intraperitoneal
A drug that might cause stomach upset if taken orally can alternatively be administered to a human via a rectal suppository.
The primary route of excretion of drugs from the body is via the kidneys
________ refers to the capacity of a drug molecule to bind to a key site of action. affinity
The term ________ refers to a state of anxious misery, often produced by withdrawal from certain drugs of abuse. dysphoria
One mechanism for the tolerance produced by repeated drug administration is a(n) reduced number of receptors for the drug.
Which of the following is true of drug sensitization? Drug sensitization is less common than is drug tolerance.
An example of a withdrawal symptom for a heroin addict would be dysphoria.
A(n) ________ is a drug that blocks or inhibits postsynaptic receptor effects. antagonist
Drugs that facilitate the postsynaptic receptor effects are termed agonists.
A drug that activates a presynaptic autoreceptor will usually reduce the release of the neurotransmitter from the axon terminal.
A drug that blocks a presynaptic autoreceptor most likely increases the release of the neurotransmitter from the axon terminal.
A drug that binds with a postsynaptic receptor, but does not open ion channels would be termed a(n) direct antagonist.
The two most commonly used synaptic neurotransmitters in the brain are glutamate; GABA
Which of the following is an incorrect match between a neurotransmitter and its effects? acetylcholine; subject to reuptake by the axon terminals
Which pair of transmitters are the primary excitatory and inhibitory (respectively) transmitters in the brain? glutamate; GABA
_____ is the transmitter that slows heart rate and activates skeletal muscles. Acetylcholine
In the anecdote on cholinergic toxicity, Mr. F. contracted botulism by tasting the liquid from a spoiled jar of asparagus.
The disease process of myasthenia gravis produces muscle weakness by reducing the number of ACh receptors on muscles
Which pair below represents the receptor subtypes for acetylcholine? nicotinic; muscarinic
Curare is used in medical clinics to induce relaxation in muscles that are to be cut during a surgical procedure.
The amino acid ________ is the synthesis precursor for dopamine and norepinephrine. tyrosine
Which of the following is classified as an indolamine? serotonin
Tyrosine is the precursor for the synthesis of dopamine
Degeneration of neurons within the ________ dopamine system leads to Parkinson’s disease. nigrostriatal
The ________ dopamine system plays a key role in the control of ________. mesocortical; planning and problem solving
Abnormal brain levels of dopamine are associated with schizophrenia and Parkinson’s disease.
Serotonin is synthesized from tryptophan
Drugs that block the reuptake of serotonin or that cause the release of serotonin are used therapeutically to treat depression.
Cell bodies of serotonin neurons are located within the raphe nuclei.
The hallucinatory drug PCP (phencyclidine) is an antagonist of the NMDA receptor.
Alcohol withdrawal can lead to seizures because of the effect of alcohol on blocking NMDA receptors.
The term “opioid” refers to ________, while the term “opiates” refers to ________. endogenous chemicals; exogenous drugs
Which of the following is true of opioid effects in brain? Opioids can induce euphoria and reward.
The excitatory effects of caffeine result from blockade of adenosine receptors.
Mr. B. suffered a loss of dopamine-secreting neurons in his brain after ingesting a neurotoxin. Which of the therapies below was successful in restoring his motor function? a. injection of fetal nigrostriatal neurons into Mr. B.’s caudate nucleus and putamen
Which of the following is true of the experimental ablation technique? a. The technique is one of the oldest methods used in neuroscience.
Which of the following is a rationale for lesion studies? a. The change in behavior that follows a particular brain lesion can give important clues about the function of that brain area.
Which of the following represents a problem for interpreting the effects of a brain lesion on behavior? The lesion may impair the function of a distant neural structure, which in turn alters behavior.
Infusion of ________ into the brain will destroy cell bodies through the process of overstimulation. kainic acid
Molecular biologists have tagged toxins to specific ________ that in turn will kill specific types of neurons. antibodies
The key advantage of a reversible lesion is that each animal can serve as its own control.
Which of the following chemicals can be used to create a reversible lesion in brain tissue? a local anesthetic such as lidocaine
________ is (are) a common landmark or reference point used for stereotaxic surgery. Bregma
The three numbers listed on a page of a stereotaxic atlas refer to a. anterior-posterior, dorsal-ventral, and medal-lateral coordinates.
Of the following, which term does not belong with the other four terms? a. electrical stimulation of the brain or fixing
Formalin is useful in the histology laboratory because it . halts the enzyme process that breaks down brain tissue after death.
The ________ instrument is used to slice the brain into thin pieces for later examination. a. microtome
Of the structures in the following list, cresyl violet stains ________ most intensely. cell bodies
Which of the following techniques can reveal the three-dimensional detail of the cells within a brain section? scanning electron microscopy
Which of the following is true of confocal laser scanning microscopy? uses an electron beam to scan a thin slice of tissue
Which of the following is true of the anterograde labeling procedure? The target molecule is taken up by the dendrites of cells in the injection zone and transported through axons.
The key use of PHA-L, a lectin made by kidney beans, in neuroscience is to . label neuronal pathways by anterograde transport.
The ________ method can be used to identify the neural inputs to a brain region. retrograde labeling
The chemical ________ can be used to trace the paths of afferent axons. fluorogold
The usefulness of pseudorabies virus for histological analyses is for the tracing of serial synaptic connections.
Of these techniques for visualizing the living human brain, the first developed was a. computerized tomography.
The ________ technique uses a radio frequency wave to excite hydrogen atoms in the brain to create an image of the living human brain. magnetic resonance imaging
The ________ technique is used to visualize axon bundles in living human brain. diffusion tensor imaging
??The ________ technique can be used to visualize differences between white matter and gray matter in a living subject. magnetic resonance imaging
What is the source of the electrical potentials recorded from the scalp of a human subject? the summated activity of nerve cell action potentials and postsynaptic potentials
The ________ is a device used to detect the electrical activity of a single nerve cell in the brain. microelectrode
??How did the neurosurgeons detect the fact that clamping off Mrs. F.’s left common carotid artery produced insufficient blood flow to her brain? Her EEG record showed slow wave activity.
A useful attribute of immediate early genes for neuron visualization techniques is that the presence of the gene product in the nucleus is a marker of neuron activation.
The functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technique measures changes in ________ to image brain metabolic activity. blood oxygen level
A key disadvantage of the electrical stimulation technique is that the stimulation does not always duplicate natural neural processes.
The ________ procedure uses magnetic waves to alter brain neural activity. transcranial magnetic stimulation
A key advantage of the microdialysis technique is the ability to sample transmitter substances in an awake living organism.
The ________ method uses an antibody linked to a radioactive molecule to bind to a peptide or an enzyme in brain tissue. immunocytochemistry
________ have identical genotypes. a. Monozygotic twins
Which of the following is strong evidence for an environmental contribution to a behavior? Adopted children resemble their adopted families with regard to a trait.
Which of the following is strong evidence for a genetic contribution to a behavior? Monozygotic twins have a higher concordance rate than do dizygotic twins.
The ________ technique uses photographic emulsions to record the activity of discrete neurons in the brain. 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) autoradiography
The term ________ is a common name for a device used to display the changes in voltage recorded from the scalp over time. polygraph
________ is the primary neurotransmitter secreted by motor axons of the CNS. Dopamine
Galvani Electrivity was generated by neurons or a closed circuit was not necessary
Hooke published specimens
Created by: Nicole20



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