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selected drug, classifications and thier indications

activated charcoal adsorbent poisoning
adenosine antiarrhythmic psvt
albuterol sympathetic bronchial asthma, and bronchospasms in emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
aspirin antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic chest pain, headache, fever, swelling,moderate pain relief without loss of consciousness
amiodarone antidysrhythmic ventricular dysrythmias, atrial fibrillation
atropine parasympathetic blocker, anticholingeric bradycardia, asystolem and organophasphate poisoning
dextrose carbohydrate hypoglycemia
dopamine sypathomimetic, cardioc stimulant and vassopressor cardiogenic shock due to MI, trauma, open heart surgery, renal failure, and chronic cardiac decompensation.
dexamehtasone (decadron) steroid, anti-inflammatory, glucocortoid reduces intracranial pressure, inflammatory response,anaphylaxis reactions, post cerebal hypoxia, head and spine trauma.
epinephrine adrenergic agent sob, tightness of chest, relieves respiratory distress in bronchial asthma,emphysema and other obstructive pulmonary diseases.allergic reactions.
furmosemide loop diuretic edema associated with CHF,nephrotic syndrome, hepatic cirrhosis and ascites. pulmonary edema,hypertension.
glucagon insulin antagonist sever hypoglycemia
ipecac syrup emetic oral poisoning or drug overdose
antihypertensive prevent or controls high blood pressure aldomet, Catapres, Lopressor
anti-inflammatory prevents inflammation Tylenol, aspirin, Motrin
antimanic used for treatment of the manic depressive episode of manic depressive disorder lithium
antineoplastic prevents the replication of neoplastic cells (cancer cells) Myleran, Cytoxan
antipyretic reduces fever Tylenol, aspirin
antitussive prevents or relieves coughs codeine, dextrometorphan
bronchodilator dilates the bronchi (makes airways open up to allow better air flow/movement) Isuprel, Albuterol
contraceptive a device, method, or agent that prevents contraception Tri-Leven, Ortho-Novum, Triphasil
decongestant reduces nasal congestion and/or swelling Afrin, New-Synephrine, Sudafed
diuretic increases the excretion of urine Diuril, Lasix, Osmitrol
expectorant facilitates the removal of secretion from broncho-pulmonary muccous membrane Robitussin
hemostatic controls or stops bleeding Humafac, Amicar, vitamin K
hynotic produces sleep or hypnosis Seconal, chloral hydrate, Placidyl
hypoglycemic lowers blood glucose level insulin, Diabinese
laxative loosens and promotes normal bowel elimination Metamucil powder, Dulcolax
muscle relaxant produces relaxation of skeletal muscle Robaxin, Norflex, Valium
antidote counteracts poisons and their effects Narcan
sedative produces a calming effect without causing sleep amytal, Buticaps, phenobarbital
tranquilizer reduces mental tension and anxiety Thorazine, Mellaril, Haldol
vasodilator produces relaxation of blood vessels; lowers blood pressure Isordil, nitroglycerin
vasopressor produces contraction of muscles of capillaries and arteries; elevates blood pressure Aramine, Levophed
cough suppressant inhibits coughing (blank)
Created by: ahlewis32
Popular Pharmacology sets




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